Thanks, that does clear up some of the components for me.

On Tuesday, 25 March 2014 16:05:26 UTC-4, Simon King wrote:
> On 25 Mar 2014, at 19:05, Tim Tisdall < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > I've been reading through the SQLAlchemy docs for a while now and am 
> still fairly confused about using SQLAlchemy with threaded processes. 
>  Hopefully my specific question helps me understand things a little more... 
> > 
> > I'm using the Pyramid framework with SQLAlchemy.  The default scaffold 
> for this setup has the following line: 
> > 
> >     DBSession = 
> scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension())) 
> > 
> > I understand this essentially sets things up so in my web application I 
> can just do `DBSession.query(...)` and it automatically manages sessions 
> for me based on each web request.  There's also some sort of interaction 
> with this and the `pyramid_tm` transaction manager.  This is all fine for 
> my regular web application. 
> > 
> > My problem comes up when I'm trying to create a portion of my 
> application which spawns several threads to listen for other tcp 
> connections and then save results in the database.  Right now that portion 
> of the application maintains a 20-thread pool to handle incoming 
> connections.  I'm passing the DBSession into the function that spawns the 
> threads and then it's used as a global variable similar to how the rest of 
> the web application uses it.  I wanted to find out if this is the proper 
> way of handling this. 
> > 
> > I think since the sessions are thread-local there isn't any session 
> sharing across threads.  However, I'm not sure how the "scoped_session()" 
> works in these long-running threads.  I'm a little concerned that it's 
> opening a transaction and then sitting on it without ever committing... 
>  I'm really not sure. 
> > 
> > Should I change it so my threads instead use something like: 
> > 
> >    with transaction.manager: 
> >        DBSession.add(SomeORMObject(id=4)) 
> > 
> > or: 
> > 
> >    with DBSession.begin(): 
> >        DBSession.add(SomeORMObject(id=4)) 
> > 
> > Will that commit the transaction and then release the session connection 
> at the end of the context? 
> In your pyramid app, there are a few different packages interacting. First 
> is the “transaction” package, which provides an abstract idea of a 
> “transaction” (not necessarily a database transaction) which can be 
> committed or rolled back. Other packages register to be part of the 
> transaction. 
> Second, the zope.sqlalchemy package is the bridge between SQLAlchemy and 
> the transaction. By using the ZopeTransactionExtension in your DBSession, 
> you are ensuring that the transaction package will manage SQLAlchemy 
> transactions. 
> Finally, the pyramid_tm package is the bridge between pyramid and the 
> transaction package. It ensures that a transaction is started at the 
> beginning of a request and committed or rolled back at the end of the 
> request. The important part of pyramid_tm is pretty short and is probably 
> worth looking at: 
> To use SQLAlchemy transactions in your thread pool, you can either use the 
> SQLAlchemy APIs directly, or you can use the ones from the transaction 
> package. If you are using anything else that integrates with the 
> transaction package (eg. pyramid_mailer), you’ll probably want the second 
> option. Otherwise, it probably doesn’t matter much. 
> In your thread pool, you’ll want to make sure that each piece of work 
> starts a new transaction, and either commits or rolls back the transaction 
> at the end, then finally closes it. Closing it will return its connection 
> back to the connection pool. 
> It is recommended to keep the session mechanics separate from the main 
> body of your code. So you should probably try to structure your thread pool 
> such that it sets up the session, calls a separate function to do the 
> actual work, then commits or rolls back the transaction as appropriate. 
> This is described at: 
> The SA APIs you need are basically Session.begin, Session.commit, 
> Session.rollback and Session.close. The transaction ones are 
> transaction.manager.begin, transaction.manager.commit and 
> transaction.manager.abort. (Note that zope.sqlalchemy will close the 
> session after a commit or abort) 
> Hope that helps, 
> Simon

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