
I have a problem with joined relationships, which I will try to describe
using an example:

class User(Base):
    __tablename__  = 'users'
    __table_args__ = ...

    id = Column(BigInteger, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
    carId = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey('cars.id'))

    car = relationship("Car", lazy='joined', innerjoin=True)

Querying for User now seems to generate SQL expressions like this:

SELECT ... FROM users INNER JOIN cars AS cars_1 WHERE ...

The problem is, "cars_1" alias is auto-generated and the relationship
does not seem to provide any means to specify another name!

This leads to problems, for example if you want to build such a joined
query and then apply order_by(Car.model) to it: order_by(Car.model)
turns into "ORDER BY cars.model" which is an error because cars table in
this query is used with an auto-generated alias "cars_1"! The proper
ORDER BY clause would be: "ORDER BY cars_1.model".

And so one either has to "guess" this "cars_1" alias (but it does not
seem to be documented) or resource to things like explicit join(),
options() and contains_eager():


This sucks, especially because you must rewrite this query everywhere:
if you want to select companies with users with cars and
order_by(Car.model), you have to use explicit join()s to cars and
contains_eager() stuff. This makes User.car relationship basically
unusable with order_by().

I can see 2 possible fixes to this problem:

1. specify an 'join-alias' argument in relationship(), to be used with
lazy='joined', so that you have control over this "cars_1" alias and
could specify another name
2. make order_by check what table alias to use (instead of just blindly
copying the table name).

What do you think?

Or maybe I am missing something?...


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