On Mar 27, 2014, at 5:51 PM, Dustin Oprea <myselfasun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Direct example:
> def direct_test():
>     import MySQLdb
>     conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='db.host.com', user='abc', passwd="def", 
> db="ghi", port=3307)
>     conn.autocommit(True)
>     c = conn.cursor()
>     c.execute(query)
>     print(c.fetchone())
> Result:
> (1L,)

One thing I don't understand is, does your *actual* stored procedure need to 
call "SELECT @@AUTOCOMMIT"?  because that may be part of the problem.

Above, SQLAlchemy has no direct support for "conn.autocommit()", which is not 
part of the DBAPI - you can enable this if you want using an event, but it 
would be better if commit() just worked as expected.  

I would try removing the "conn.autocommit()" part and just try calling 
conn.commit().     That would reveal whatever bugs are in play, and I'd look to 
see if a DBAPI like mysql-connector-python, which is now the official MySQL 
DBAPI, has the same problem.

if you really have to turn on this non-standard feature on, it needs to be 
across the board for that particular engine, and would be like this:

from sqlalchemy import event

@event.listens_for(engine, "connect")
def conn(conn, rec):

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