No.  I'm want to edit the target of the 'select' from an existing query.

For many select operations, I need three variations

- the full Objects
- just the ObjectIds
- a count of the objects ( which is sometimes faster as an explicit "select" than a "select obj" , so i can influence the pg query planner more )

At least 95% of our application hits an "internal api" that generates the 
SqlAlchemy queries, instead of using SqlAlchemy directly. This just gives 
us a more standard interface as we change filtering defaults or make 
underlying db changes.  

Here's an example of what I have occurring more than a few dozen times:

def _core_Foos( dbSession, kw_a=True, kw_b=False, kw_c=True, 
ids_only=false, for_count=False):
if ids_only or for_count:
 query = dbSession.query( )
 query = dbSession.query( Foo )
### lots of complex filtering and joining based on kwags here
### dozens and dozens of lines
if for_count :
return query
query = query\
.order_by( )\
.limit( limit )\
.offset( offset )
return query

def get_Foos( dbSession, **kwargs ):
query = _core_Foos( dbSession, ids_only = True, **kwargs )
return query.all()

def get_fooIds( dbSession, **kwargs ):
query = _core_Foos( dbSession, ids_only = True, **kwargs )
return [ i[0] for i in query.all() ]

def get_count_fooIds( dbSession, **kwargs ):
query = _core_Foos( dbSession, for_count = True, **kwargs )
return query.count()

This works really well.  I just don't really like that I start the query 
off by selecting an id or object(ie, all columns). 

I'm trying to figure out if there are better ways to handle this.

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