On Mar 31, 2014, at 5:36 AM, Alex Good <quixop...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm working with a database where the original designer has chosen to 
> represent a large number of values as bitflags. Nearly every table in the 
> database has a 'flags' integer which is bitwise ORred or ANDed with constants 
> stored in the application code to extract the relevant options. I'm trying to 
> wrap this in a custom type which will allow me to refer to these values 
> individually as booleans and I can't figure out the correct approach. Here's 
> an example:
> So what I want to be able to do is these kind of interactions
> m = session.query(TestModel).filter(TestModel.flag_one == True).first()
> m.flag_one = False
> session.add(m.flag_one)
> session.commit()
> assert((m.flags & 1) == 0)
> I can see how one would accomplish this with hybrid attributes but with every 
> table having 5 to 10 flags defined on it that would lead to a lot of typing, 
> hence the custom type approach. I attempted the following:
> class Flag(TypeDecorator):
>     impl = Integer
>     def __init__(self, flag_constants, flag_name, *args, **kwargs):
>         super(Flag, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>         self.flag_constants = flag_constants
>         self.flag_name = flag_name
>     def column_expression(self, col):
>         return col.op("&")(getattr(self.flag_constants, self.flag_name))

The way you do this is you intercept expressions in Python and convert them on 
a per-expression basis to what's needed.  You'd be focusing here on the 
comparator factory feature of types:


I'd probably map the column just once and provide hybrid accessors on top of it.

However, there is unfortunately a critical issue I've just discovered for 
ticket #3012, which is that we can't override __and__() and __or__() directly 
within this system.  That's a bug.

So we'll work around it using an ad-hoc operator, since your hybrids are doing 
the work anyway:

class FlagType(TypeDecorator):
    impl = Integer

    class comparator_factory(TypeDecorator.Comparator):
        def _and(self, other):
            return self.op("&")(other)

        def _or(self, other):
            return self.op("|")(other)

class FlagThing(hybrid_property):
    def __init__(self, attrib_name, flag):
        self.attrib_name = attrib_name
        self.flag = flag
        super(FlagThing, self).__init__(

    def _get(self, instance):
        return (getattr(instance, self.attrib_name) & self.flag > 0)

    # if 3012 were fixed, this part wouldn't be needed
    def _get_expr(self, instance):
        return (getattr(instance, self.attrib_name)._and(self.flag) > 0)

    def _set(self, instance, value):
        existing = getattr(instance, self.attrib_name)
        if value:
            existing |= self.flag
            existing ^= self.flag
        setattr(instance, self.attrib_name, existing)

class TestModel(Base):
    __tablename__  = "testmodel"
    id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
    flags = Column("flags", FlagType())

    flag_one = FlagThing("flags", TestFlags.flag_value_one)
    flag_two = FlagThing("flags", TestFlags.flag_value_two)

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