On Apr 4, 2014, at 5:16 PM, Jonathan Vanasco <jonat...@findmeon.com> wrote:

> I have these 2 tables in the database:
>     class TableA(base):
>         id 
>         field_a
>         field_b
>         items = sa.orm.relationship("TableA_Items", primaryjoin="TableA.id== 
> TableA_Items.table_a_id", backref="table_a")
>     class TableA_Items(base):
>         id 
>         table_a_id 
>         huge_blob_1
> is it possible to set up or query a relationship that will only query the ids 
> from TableA_Items ?  
> Just to be clear, on the ORM, i want to have a collection that is only the 
> IDs from TableA_Items, not the full records themselves.  They're pretty big, 
> and I'd like to avoid them.
> i basically want to be able to use the ORM and have this data
>        session.query( TableA , TableA_Items.id )
> this doesn't look possible based on the docs, but i'm hoping someone here may 
> have run into a similar situation and figured out a workaround.

this is what load_only() was added for:


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