Hi Michael,

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:37 AM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>wrote:

> On Dec 15, 2013, at 4:16 AM, Hồng Quân Nguyễn <ng.hong.q...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Assume that I have this model
> class ModelA:
>      gender  = Column(Enum('male', 'female', name='gender_type'))
> and in another ModelB, I want to reuse this gender_type Enum, how should I
> reuse, because if I write
> class ModelB:
>      gender = Column(Enum('male', 'female', name='gender_type'))
> I will get error about "conflict when creating new Enum type”.
> assuming you’re on Postgresql, where there is a specific type created on
> the backend.
> Start like this:
> gender_type = Enum(‘male’, ‘female’, name=‘gender_type’)
> then any number of column objects can use it:
> Column(gender_type)
> or start with the PG type:
> from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ENUM
> gender_type = ENUM(‘male’, ‘female’, name=‘gender_type’)
> then additional columns can use the same type, but create_type=False:
> Column(ENUM(‘male’, ‘female’, name=‘gender_type’, create_type=False))
> unfortunately the “create_type” argument is not on the base Enum type
> right now (looking into adding that).

Before,  I had gender_type declared inline in model A (gender =
Column(Enum('male', 'female', name='gender_type'))).
Now I add model B and also want to reuse the gender_type in model A. So, I
bring gender_type out and link to it from model A & B. But when I use
Alembic to create migration script, I got this for  model B (new-added):

def upgrade():
    gender = sa.Column('gender', sa.Enum('male', 'female',
name='gender_types'), nullable=True)

It means the migration script tries to create new Enum, instead reuse it.
How should I edit the migration script to make it do what I want?

Thank you in advance.
* Nguyễn Hồng Quân                            *
* Y!M: ng_hquan_vn                            *
* Facebook: ng.hong.quan                      *
* Web: quan.hoabinh.vn                        *

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