Hello list,

I am refactoring some RAW SQL to use SQL Alchemy ORM Query object 
What I have so far is a SQL to reproduce using SQL Alchemy:

My SQL is this:

   1. SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE, '%Y%m%d') AS `date`,
   2. `Hour` AS `hour`,
   3. `Minute` AS `minute`, (MAX(TotalMBs)*8/5/60) AS total_mbs,
   4. (MAX(TotalMissMBs)*8/5/60) AS total_mbs_miss
   5. FROM (SELECT `Date`, `Hour`, `Minute`, SUM(TotalMBs) AS TotalMBs,
   6. SUM(TotalMissMBs) AS TotalMissMBs, `ClientID`, `Type`
   7. FROM reports.ClientsGlobalCounters
   8. WHERE DATE >= :date_from AND DATE <= :date_to
   9. <IN() expression here>
   10. AND `Type` LIKE :service
   11. GROUP BY `Date`, `Hour`, `Minute`, `ClientID`, `Type`)
   12. AS t1 GROUP BY <GROUP_BY here> ORDER BY `Date`

And my Python code is this:

   1.     def select_total_mbps(self, date_from, date_to, service, clients=
   2.         sub_qs = reports_session.query(
   3.             (func.max(ClientGlobalCounter) *
   4.              8 / 5 / 60).label('total_miss_mbs'),
   5.             ClientGlobalCounter.client_id,
   6.             ClientGlobalCounter.type,
   7.             ClientGlobalCounter.date,
   8.             ClientGlobalCounter.hour,
   9.             ClientGlobalCounter.minute,
   10.             func.sum(ClientGlobalCounter.total_mbs).label('total_mbs'
   11.             func.sum(ClientGlobalCounter.total_miss_mbs).label(
   12.                 'total_miss_mbs')) \
   13.             .filter(ClientGlobalCounter.date.between(date_from,
   14.         if clients:
   15.             sub_qs = sub_qs.filter(ClientGlobalCounter.client_id.in_(
   16.         sub_qs = sub_qs.filter(ClientGlobalCounter.type.like(service)
   ) \
   17.             .group_by(ClientGlobalCounter.date,
   18.                       ClientGlobalCounter.hour,
   19.                       ClientGlobalCounter.minute,
   20.                       ClientGlobalCounter.client_id,
   21.                       ClientGlobalCounter.type)
   23.         qs = reports_session.query(
   24.             ClientGlobalCounter.client_id,
   25.             ClientGlobalCounter.type,
   26.             func.date_format(ClientGlobalCounter.date, 'Ymd'),
   27.             ClientGlobalCounter.hour,
   28.             ClientGlobalCounter.minute,
   29.             (func.max(ClientGlobalCounter.total_mbs) * 8 / 5 / 60).
   30.             sub_qs)
   31.         qs = qs.group_by(
   32.             *ClientGlobalCounterAPI.date_group(ClientGlobalCounter,
   33.                                                date_from,
   34.                                                date_to))
   36.         return [d.__dict__ for d in qs.all()]

I am not understanding the docs because they only talk about a subselect 
inside the WHERE. What I am doing here is retrieving a MAX(field) from a 
There is a related problem 
here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sqlalchemy/LBEyRe3w-8Q

Can someone guide me to the right direction? Thanks!

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