I ran into the following situation when using SQLAlchemy, and let me 
explain using an example. Assume there is a table "Department", with three 
columns: ID, name and charter, where ID is auto-generated by DB.

class Department(class_Base):
>     __tablename__ = "department"
>     id = Column(Integer, Sequence('department_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
>     name = Column(String(250), nullable=False, unique=True)
>     charter = Column(String(250), nullable=True)
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "%s: id: [%d], name: [%s], charter: [%s]" % 
> (self.__class__, self.id, self.name, self.charter)

Below is the skeleton of code:

> # step 1: grab a Department object using ORM
> # department name is unique
> l_department = g_session.query(Department).filter(Department.name == 
> in_department_name).one()
> # step 2: modify its charter using SQLExpression
> l_update_department = update(Department).where(Department.name == 
> in_department_name).values(charter=bindparam('charter'))
> l_update_department.execute({'charter': in_department_charter})
> # step 3: grab it again using ORM
> l_department = g_session.query(Department).filter(Department.name == 
> in_department_name).one()

What is unexpected is, the field "charter" is the same in step 1 and step 
3, even though it is modified in step 2. The SQL statements in all three 
steps are good, and the column "charter" indeed got updated per what I 
checked from the database.

1. Is it something I should not do (mixing SQL expression and ORM)? 
However, I did see it works in some cases.
2. Is it related to the database transactional capability? I am simply 
testing against SQLite


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