I'm running into a similar problem again. This time, correlate_except 
doesn't change anything.

Consider this example

from sqlalchemy import *
metadata = MetaData()
product = Table('product', metadata, Column('id', Integer), 
Column('other_id', Integer))
other = Table('other', metadata, Column('id', Integer))

e2 = product.alias('e2')

sel = select(
    columns=[e2.c.id, func.max(e2.c.other_id)],
    correlate=False # doesn't make a difference
).correlate_except(product, e2) # doesn't make a difference either
e1 = sel.join(
    e2, e2.c.other_id == other.c.id
print e1
# (SELECT e2.id AS id, max(e2.other_id) AS max_1 
# FROM product AS e2, other GROUP BY e2.id) JOIN product AS e2 ON 
e2.other_id = other.id

# What I want is
# SELECT e2.id, max(e2.other_id)
# FROM other
# JOIN product as e2 on e2.other_id = other.id
# GROUP BY e2.id

How can I get SQLA to create the query I want?

On Thursday, May 1, 2014 8:20:30 AM UTC+10, gbr wrote:
> correlate_except(table) did the trick. I thought I had tried it before, 
> but something must have gone wrong. Now it works.
> Thanks for your help.
> On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:53:04 PM UTC+10, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 8:37 AM, gbr <doub...@directbox.com> wrote: 
>> > For some reason, an exists() where clause which is meant to refer to an 
>> outer element is pulling the outer element's table into the query. 
>> > 
>> > What I need is as follows 
>> > 
>> > SELECT anon1.id, anon1.value from ( 
>> >   SELECT DISTINCT ON (pp.id) pp.id AS id, pp.rev_id AS rev_id, 
>> pp.deleted 
>> >   FROM prod as pp 
>> >   WHERE (( 
>> >       select max (revision_id) FROM rev1 
>> >       WHERE exists ( 
>> >         select 1 from prod where pp.id = prod.id 
>> >       ) 
>> >     ) = pp.rev_id and pp.deleted = false 
>> >   ) ORDER BY pp.id, pp.rev_id DESC 
>> > ) as anon1 
>> > 
>> > The problem is when I create the 
>> > 
>> >   exists().where(pp.id == prod.id) 
>> > 
>> > part which renders into 
>> >   
>> >   exists (select 1 from prod as prod_1, prod as pp where pp.id = 
>> prod_1.id) 
>> > 
>> > which is not the same any more. How can I prevent SQLA from doing so (I 
>> tried from_obj argument, played around with correlate, tried 
>> exists(select), but none of it worked)? Also, it seems in the inner-most 
>> where clause (exist), I actually need an alias to the 2nd select (the 
>> select distinct), which I only get once the query is created. How can I get 
>> this translated to SQLA code? 
>> when you see the “from x, y” pattern it usually means the statement is 
>> referring to columns with the wrong parent object in some way, or that 
>> correlation is not taking effect as expected. 
>> The exists() object and the underlying select() object should always 
>> “correlate” automatically, that is if the SELECT is against “x, y” and you 
>> place that SELECT embedded into another query within the columns or WHERE 
>> clause that is also querying “x”, “x” will be removed from the FROM list of 
>> the inner select and it will use correlation. 
>> To force the behavior of correlation you can use the correlate() or 
>> correlate_except() methods.  Check the docs for these.     Otherwise please 
>> share some very basic model setups in conjunction with very simple code 
>> that illustrates how you are trying to produce this query (just a “print 
>> query” is suitable, no database is needed). 

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