On May 13, 2014, at 4:21 AM, Thierry Florac <tflo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> We already tried to explain the Oracle query execution plan with our DBA. The 
> result is that the Oracle server prefers to make a full table scan instead of 
> using the index; the reason is still indeterminate (the database statistics 
> are up to date), we checked arguments data type and as previously said the 
> equivalent SQL request executed without prepared statement is OK.
> Of course I could give a raw SQL to SA but that is in the opposite philosophy 
> of what an ORM should be used, no?
> I think you talked somewhere else of an "hidden" feature which allows SA to 
> generate "literal SQL queries". Even if only a small set or arguments data 
> types are supported, how could I use it?

well there's another thread regarding pyodbc/MSSQL right now regarding the same 
thing.  For whatever reason I forgot the most obvious solution which is 

q = s.query(Something).filter(Something.foo == literal_column("'my value'"))

or text():

q = s.query(Something).filter(Something.foo == text("'my value'"))

considering that this is probably a small subset of queries/expressions causing 
this issue.   

As i mentioned in the other thread, supporting the feature by which SQLA 
"literalizes" queries en masse would expose a large security surface which the 
project cannot support, even though the mechanism for this feature is present 
in a non-public way.    Using explicit "literal_column()" or "text()" on just 
those queries/values that are problematic is much safer.

> Best regards,
> Thierry
> 2014-05-13 0:37 GMT+02:00 Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>:
> On May 12, 2014, at 6:12 PM, Thierry Florac <tflo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use Python and SQLAlchemy to access an Oracle 11 database. As far as I 
> > think, SQLAlchemy always use prepared statements.
> SQLAlchemy has no control over this as the DBAPI has no prepared statement 
> system exposed publicly.  This is entirely dependent on the choices that 
> cx_Oracle makes internally.  SQLAlchemy's interaction with the DBAPI is 
> exactly:
> cursor = connection.cursor()
> cursor.set_input_sizes(< some params> )   # we normally don't use this but 
> cx_oracle needs this for some datatypes, see 
> http://cx-oracle.sourceforge.net/html/cursor.html#Cursor.setinputsizes
> cursor.execute("your SQL statement", { your parameters })
> everything else is how cx_Oracle choices to deal with these inputs at the OCI 
> level and there's a lot that can go wrong, most of which is not something 
> SQLAlchemy can anticipate or have control over.
> >
> > On a huge table (4 millions records), correctly indexed, SQLAlchemy filters 
> > queries doesn't use the index, so doing a full table scan is very slow ; 
> > using the same SQL code in a "raw" SQL editor (SQLplus) make Oracle use the 
> > index with good performances.
> SQLAlchemy's job here is to send a string plus parameters to the cx_Oracle 
> execute() method.  SQLAlchemy also calls cx_oracle's setinputsizes() as well 
> in order to deal with some parameter conversion issues we've observed with 
> cx_Oracle; these may be involved with the choices that cx_Oracle makes which 
> could affect query planning.
> Turn on echo=True on your create_engine() and you will see the full 
> conversation with the DBAPI.    The issue here is with the choices that 
> cx_Oracle makes, not that of SQLAlchemy so you should distill your queries to 
> a raw cx_Oracle case, using a usage as illustrated above and possibly in 
> conjunction with "EXPLAIN", to further determine the cause of the issue.
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