I'm trying to modify a select statement which is fairly complex and which 
is created in a function that I don't want to modify. It is returned from 
this function and I'd like to add more WHERE clauses by just referencing 
the returned select statement. How can I do this without causing SQLA 
wrapping the returned select statement in another select?

See code below for demonstration. `sel` is the complex select statement (in 
my application returned from the function) and by `sel2 = sel.where()` I 
try to add another clause.

>>> from sqlalchemy import *
>>> metadata = MetaData()
>>> product_table = Table('product', metadata, Column('id', Integer), 
Column('name', String(32)))
>>> sel = select(columns=[product_table.c.id.label('product_id'), 

>>> # Fine
>>> print sel
SELECT product.id AS product_id, product.name AS product_name, "order".id 
AS order_id, "order".name AS order_name 
FROM product JOIN "order" ON "order".product_id = product.id

>>> # Trying to add a where condition to sel
>>> sel2 = sel.where(sel.c.product_name=='water')
>>> # Which unfortunately wraps the select in another select. Any way of 
adding the WHERE to `sel` post construction of `select()`?
>>> print sel2
SELECT product.id AS product_id, product.name AS product_name, "order".id 
AS order_id, "order".name AS order_name 
FROM (SELECT product.id AS product_id, product.name AS product_name, 
"order".id AS order_id, "order".name AS order_name 
FROM product JOIN "order" ON "order".product_id = product.id), product JOIN 
"order" ON "order".product_id = product.id 
WHERE product_name = :product_name_1

>>> # I would have expected: 
>>> SELECT product.id AS product_id, product.name AS product_name, 
"order".id AS order_id, "order".name AS order_name FROM product JOIN 
"order" ON "order".product_id = product.id WHERE product_name = 

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