Hi there,

Firstly, hello to everyone, this is my first post in this group and have 
just started looking/using SQLAlchemy for a project and have a hopefully 
very easy to answer question.

I am taking in CSV files into a Pandas Dataframe and then grabbing a dict 
of each row to then insert via SqlAlchemy using the automap functionality 
to a data table:

My main issue is that some of the field types are obviously numpy specific 
and there aren't a direct translator to a mysql type.

So for instance I have a row like this:

Loading symbol data
creating DB connection...
created engine: 
index - 1984-01-03 00:00:00
[unadjClose]25.625 - <type 'numpy.float64'>
[adjClose]3.203125 - <type 'numpy.float64'>
[unadjLow]24.375 - <type 'numpy.float64'>
[unadjHigh]26.125 - <type 'numpy.float64'>
[unadjOpen]24.375 - <type 'numpy.float64'>
[sid]5902.0 - <type 'numpy.float64'>
[date]1984-01-03 00:00:00 - <class 'pandas.tslib.Timestamp'>
[unadjVolume]6705.0 - <type 'numpy.float64'>
[splitRatio]None - <type 'NoneType'>

and when it tries to load this into mysql via sqlalchemy I get this error:

ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) Failed processing pyformat-parameters; 
Python 'float64' cannot be converted to a MySQL type 'INSERT INTO data 
(sid, symbol, date, `unadjOpen`, `unadjHigh`, `unadjLow`, `unadjClose`, 
`unadjVolume`, `adjClose`, `splitRatio`) VALUES (%(sid)s, %(symbol)s, 
%(date)s, %(unadjOpen)s, %(unadjHigh)s, %(unadjLow)s, %(unadjClose)s, 
%(unadjVolume)s, %(adjClose)s, %(splitRatio)s)' {'unadjClose': 25.625, 
'adjClose': 3.203125, 'unadjLow': 24.375, 'unadjHigh': 26.125, 'unadjOpen': 
24.375, 'sid': 5902.0, 'date': datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 3, 0, 0), 
'unadjVolume': 6705.0, 'splitRatio': None, 'symbol': None}

the snipped code is like this:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session

Base = automap_base()

DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker())


... set up connection etc into self.engine ...

self.engine = create_engine("{0}://{1}:{2}@{3}{4}/{5}".format(engineType, 
user, password, host, port, schema), echo=False) 

DBSession.configure(bind=self.engine, autoflush=True, expire_on_commit=True)

Base.prepare(self.engine, reflect=True)

def loadSymbolData(self, ret, append=True, debug=False):

    print("Loading symbol data")

     Data = Base.classes.data


    DBSession.add(Data(**rd)) <- rd is my row dict



How do I register new types to the engine to do this translation 
automagically? Coming from a java background and using hibernate and 
explicit mapping annotations you can wire in similar things to a 
TypeDecorator but I'm unsure how to do that when you are using the automap 

I had initially tried in sqlsoup and fell upon the same issues, I can add 
data like strings and timestamps after converting them to py_datetime or 
plain python objects but I would like something a little more pythonic and 
less verbose in processing.

Hope someone can shed some light on a possible solution.

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