On Jun 5, 2014, at 7:14 PM, Jonathan Vanasco <jonat...@findmeon.com> wrote:

> Apologies, I can't think of a better way to phrase this.  This doesn't seem 
> to fall into the typical CustomType or Augmenting A Column concepts.
> I'm not sure how/if SqlAlchemy can do this
> Here is my situation-
> I have a handful of tables in PostgreSQL where tables contain columns that 
> have ancillary "keys" that are a 32-64 character hash.  Basically public 
> facing UIDs.
> The columns have their own index, which speeds things up a lot... but still 
> they can be not-as-great.
> I did some searching online to better optimize it, and I found a decent trick 
> on the Instagram engineering blog -- using a partial index on the column
>      create index speedy_idx_foo_bar_8 on foo(substr(bar,0,8);
> this index uses a fraction of the diskspace, and tends to perform the same, 
> if not better, than a full index search.
> there's a caveat though... in order to use the index, queries have use the 
> substing function -- otherwise the planner won't care to use it.  
>      - select * from foo where bar = %(bar)s ;
>      + select * from foo where bar = %(bar)s and substr(bar,0,8) = 
> %(bar_substring)s ;
>      + select * from foo where bar = %(bar)s and substr(bar,0,8) = 
> substr(%(bar_substring)s,0,8) ;
>      - select * from foo where bar in ( %(bar_1)s , %(bar_2)s );
>      + select * from foo where bar in ( %(bar_1)s , %(bar_2)s ) AND 
> subst(bar,0,8) in ( %(bar_substr_1)s , %(bar_substr_2)s );
>      + select * from foo where bar in ( %(bar_1)s , %(bar_2)s ) AND 
> subst(bar,0,8) in ( substr(%(bar_1)s,0,8) , substr(%(bar_2)s,0,8) );
> I'm doing all this manually now -- which isn't a big deal ; but I'm wondering 
> if there's a better way to handle this within SQLalchemy.  That would 
> hopefully let me migrate this type of stuff into the 'model' and I'd be able 
> to handle joins/etc as well.  
> has anyone out there tried to do stuff like this before?

yeah we have that, use SQL level processing: 
 though for the expression on the column comparison you might also have to use 
column_property() or hybrids on the mapper side.

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