On Jun 7, 2014, at 1:21 AM, Michael Weylandt <michael.weyla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm working with a database (Sybase ASE) which supports a non-null BIT type. 
> For Column(Boolean, nullable=False), SQLA's use of BIT is ideal, but I need 
> to have Column(Boolean, nullable=True) produce a TINYINT + Check constraint. 
> The DDL compiler only provides the type (not the full column) to 
> visit_Boolean, so that's a bit too low-level to check NULL-ability. 
> I can get at the column object with sys._get_frame() or by post-processing 
> the DDL, but I figured I'd check if SQLA has a native solution. 

if this is for the purposes of the Sybase ASE dialect itself, e.g. if we use 
BIT with nullable=True it raises an error, then we can introduce a SybaseASE 
specific boolean type into the dialect.   Boolean types are so-called "schema" 
types so they are given access to the column to which they are attached using 
the "before_parent_attach" or "after_parent_attach" events.   SchemaType itself 
also has _set_parent() called with the Column directly.  So this is the point 
at which this can be intercepted, and a flag can be attached to the type object 
that provides for this hint - however, it means the type is now "welded" to 
that column, so this is not really an ideal solution, it's buggy in that the 
same type can't be used more than once.   A 1.0 proposal is below which would 
allow more flexibility.

If this is more at the user land level, I'd do a type like this:

class TinyintBoolean(TypeDecorator):
    impl = TINYINT

    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
         return None if value is None else bool(value)

    def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
        return bool(value) if value is not None else None

then I'd again intercept "after_parent_attach" on Boolean, and at that point 
swap out the Boolean type object on the Column for TinyintBoolean.   This is 
how you should go for now.

The idea that compilation of a type should be passed the Column or SQL 
expression that it is a part of is a good one, as we do typically always have 
that available (note that this is not just within DDL - we render types in CAST 
expressions as well, but there's still a parent SQL expression).   But this 
would require a major change to the API of TypeCompiler, all the visit_XYZ() 
methods would at least now need to accept **kwargs.   Some trickery would be 
needed to accommodate old dialects.  I've added 
 which includes a patch but this would be for 1.0 at the earliest.

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