On 6/20/14, 12:14 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:
> On 6/20/14, 7:32 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:
>> NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in row for column
>> '\\u0417\\u0430\\u043a\\u0430\\u0437\\u044b.\\u041d\\u043e\\u043c\\u0435\\u0440
>> \\u0437\\u0430\\u043a\\u0430\\u0437\\u0430'"
>> The problem is i can't really debug this error because it isn't clear
>> what should be in pk_cols
>> Previously in orm/loading.py there is a string
>> pk_cols = mapper.primary_key # line number 250
>> So, pk_cols is a list of Column() objects.
>> row is a list of values from query
>> Surely, [row[column] for column in pk_cols] raises error, because
>> column is a Column() object and can't be index for row. But i can't
>> imagine how this code may work. Is this a bug?
>> the ResultProxy contains translation logic that receives Column objects
>> and locates the data by name.  This is documented at
>> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/core/tutorial.html#selecting and
>> is the primary method by which the ORM relates mapped columns to result
>> sets.
>> In this case the issue is most likely yet another pyodbc + unicode
>> encoding issue, of which there are many, and often there's no way to
>> work around.  Need to know 1. OS platform 2. FreeTDS version 3. UnixODBC
>> or iODBC (and what version) 4. pyodbc version 5. SQL Server version.   I
>> can try to test but often these unicode issues aren't easy to resolve
>> (have you tried pymssql? ).    thanks.
> good news, I can reproduce this, and on my end at least it needs the
> so-called "description_encoding" workaround.   We may have to revisit
> the defaults on this parameter for modern versions of Pyodbc.  The test
> below produces your error without the param, resolves with it.   Please
> try this out on your create_engine(), thanks.
> #! coding: utf-8
> from sqlalchemy import *
> engine = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@ms_2008", echo=True,
>                         description_encoding='utf8')
> colname = u'Заказ.Номер заказа'
> m = MetaData()
> t = Table(u"Заказы", m, Column(colname, String(30), key='somecol'))
> m.drop_all(engine)
> m.create_all(engine)
> engine.execute(t.insert().values(somecol='some value'))
> result = engine.execute(t.select().where(t.c.somecol == 'some value'))
> row = result.fetchone()
> print row[t.c.somecol]
yeah this is the workaround for now, but totally this is a bug back to
0.8 and further, should be backported for 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 in
Two different issues located.

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