On 6/25/14, 5:35 PM, Jason Newton wrote:
>>     Hand crafted inserts use server side lo_create(-1) (in sql) which
>>     allocates a new large object and returning clause to get the oid
>>     in one go back to the client side.  Then I start using the
>>     lobject api on the returned oid. 
>     I'd like to see explicit SQL, preferably in the form of a psycopg2
>     script that illustrates all the operations you wish to support and
>     specifically how they must interact with the database.
> I've attached example usages.  As I indicated in my prior email, right
> now I only do inserts/selects.
Here's my immediate thought about the INSERT (and the UPDATE) - the
first way is using events, the second would attempt to move this system
into something more native to the psycopg2 dialect:

Use the before_cursor_execute() and after_cursor_execute() events to get
at this:


1. Create a new type called PGLOB or whatever you want.  For starters,
this can just be a blank UserDefinedType subclass.

in before_cursor_execute:

2. determine if INSERT or UPDATE using context.isinsert, context.isupdate

3. examine the datatypes that SQLAlchemy is using here, by looking at
context.compiled.binds.  The values here are BindParameter objects, you
want to look in those for the ones that are of type PGLOB.

4. From context.compiled.binds, you have the names of the bound params
with the type.  Search and replace the "statement" for occurrences of
that bound parameter, replace with "lo_creat(-1)" or whatever you need

5. Also append to the RETURNING clause those cols you need.

6. the statement as a return value will be used, if you set up the event
with retval=True (see the docs).

in after_cursor_execute:

7. in after_cursor_execute - call fetchone() to get the RETURNING
values.  Get that OID you care about then do that work with conn.lobject
and all that.  hopefully this doesnt mess up the existing cursor state.

8.  now the tricky part.  SQLAlchemy needs that row if you're doing
"implicit returning" to get at primary key values.   psycopg2's cursor
seems to have a scroll() method that works for client side cursors.  
I'd scroll it back one so that SQLA gets the state it expects.

Alternative system, more plugged in:

1. We would be creating new features on
sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/psycopg2.py ->
PGExecutionContext_psycopg2.  Similar hooks are available here which you
can use to accomplish similar tasks;  you'd want to look at the
pre_exec(), post_exec() and possibly post_insert() methods, and maybe
even _fetch_implicit_returning().    If SQLA were to support this more
natively, things would be happening at this level.   But again, I really
wouldn't want all kinds of hardcoded expectations of LOB objects in this
object taking up processing time for the vast majority of use cases that
don't use LOBs, so the extra logic here should be contained within
something that can easily be placed aside based on options or similar.

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