a self contained version of "before" is attached, seems to work as is
(works in 0.8 too).  Modify it to show me it not working.


SELECT t_ordered.pkg_name AS t_ordered_pkg_name, t_ordered.version AS
t_ordered_version, t_ordered.revision AS t_ordered_revision,
t_ordered."appType" AS "t_ordered_appType", t_ordered.environment_id AS
t_ordered_environment_id, t_ordered.realized AS t_ordered_realized,
t_ordered."user" AS t_ordered_user, t_ordered.status AS t_ordered_status
FROM (SELECT packages.pkg_name AS pkg_name, packages.version AS version,
packages.revision AS revision, app_definitions."appType" AS "appType",
app_deployments.environment_id AS environment_id, (SELECT
FROM environments
WHERE environments."environmentID" = app_deployments.environment_id) AS
anon_1, app_deployments.realized AS realized, app_deployments."user" AS
"user", app_deployments.status AS status
FROM packages JOIN deployments ON packages.package_id =
deployments.package_id JOIN app_deployments ON
deployments."DeploymentID" = app_deployments."DeploymentID" JOIN
app_definitions ON app_definitions."AppID" = app_deployments."AppID"
WHERE app_deployments.status != :status_1 AND (SELECT
FROM environments
WHERE environments."environmentID" = app_deployments.environment_id) =
:param_1 ORDER BY app_deployments.realized DESC) AS t_ordered GROUP BY
t_ordered."appType", t_ordered.environment_id, t_ordered.pkg_name
HAVING t_ordered.status LIKE :status_2 AND
unix_timestamp(t_ordered.realized) < unix_timestamp(now()) -

On 6/26/14, 7:41 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com
> <mailto:mike...@zzzcomputing.com>> wrote:
>     minimal mapping + the query against that mapping.
> Okay, for the other method I needed to change, I think I've put together
> complete enough examples and have attached the files.  The 'before'
> file is what we have currently (and doesn't quite do the right thing as
> it's only using the environment_id), and the 'after' file is what
> seemingly
> worked after my coworker and I tried a different route to avoid having
> to use a subquery.  One thing to note is there's a reciprocating rela-
> tionship added on the Deployment class to the Package class which
> initially caused a lovely stack overflow in Python until the joinedload
> options were added; this may be a bad idea, but it was the only way
> we knew how to get things working the way we needed. :)
> I tried to add all the imports as well in case there were any questions
> that might come from the code itself; hopefully I didn't miss any, but
> if there's still confusion, let me know.
> - Ken
>     On 6/26/14, 4:11 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:
>>     On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 5:57 AM, Mike Bayer
>>     <mike...@zzzcomputing.com <mailto:mike...@zzzcomputing.com>> wrote:
>>         On 6/25/14, 8:06 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:
>>>         On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 6:28 AM, Mike Bayer
>>>         <mike...@zzzcomputing.com <mailto:mike...@zzzcomputing.com>>
>>>         wrote:
>>>             On 6/25/14, 2:26 AM, Ken Lareau wrote:
>>>>             On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Mike Bayer
>>>>             <mike...@zzzcomputing.com
>>>>             <mailto:mike...@zzzcomputing.com>> wrote:
>>>>                 On 6/23/14, 8:09 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:
>>>>                 >
>>>>                 >     if apptier:
>>>>                 >         subq = (
>>>>                 >             Session.query(
>>>>                 >                 Package.pkg_name,
>>>>                 >                 Package.version,
>>>>                 >                 Package.revision,
>>>>                 >                 AppDefinition.app_type,
>>>>                 >                 AppDeployment.environment
>>>>                 >             ).join(Deployment)
>>>>                 >              .join(AppDeployment)
>>>>                 >              .join(AppDefinition)
>>>>                 >              .filter(Package.pkg_name ==
>>>>                 package_name)
>>>>                 >              .filter(AppDeployment.environment ==
>>>>                 env)
>>>>                 >              .filter(AppDeployment.status !=
>>>>                 'invalidated'))
>>>>                 >
>>>>                 >         [...]
>>>>                 >
>>>>                 >         # The actual column name must be used in
>>>>                 the subquery
>>>>                 >         # usage below; DB itself should be corrected
>>>>                 >         versions = (Session.query(subq.c.appType,
>>>>                 >                     subq.c.version,
>>>>                 >                     subq.c.revision)
>>>>                 >                     .group_by(subq.c.appType,
>>>>                 subq.c.environment)
>>>>                 >                     .all())
>>>>                 >
>>>>                 > The parts in the subquery work fine, but the
>>>>                 access of the 'column'
>>>>                 > in the final query leads to this:
>>>>                 >
>>>>                 > Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>                 >   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>>>                 >   File
>>>> "/home/klareau/repos/git/tagopsdb/tagopsdb/deploy/deploy.py",
>>>>                 > line 234, in find_deployed_version
>>>>                 >     .group_by(subq.c.appType, subq.c.environment)
>>>>                 >   File
>>>>                 >
>>>> "/home/klareau/.virtualenvs/tds/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/_collections.py",
>>>>                 > line 174, in __getattr__
>>>>                 >     raise AttributeError(key)
>>>>                 > AttributeError: environment
>>>>                 >
>>>>                 > This is not completely surprising, but I'm
>>>>                 uncertain as the best way
>>>>                 > to fix this... help? :)
>>>>                 nothing is obviously wrong, assuming you are
>>>>                 calling "subquery()" on
>>>>                 subq at the end.  It will be a select() construct
>>>>                 which will have a
>>>>                 column called ".environment" on the .c. collection
>>>>                 because
>>>>                 AppDeployment.environment is present.   Can't say
>>>>                 why this attribute is
>>>>                 not here without full details.
>>>>             Oops there were some additional filters I left out, but
>>>>             this is added
>>>>             before the final query:
>>>>             subq = (subq.order_by(AppDeployment.realized.desc())
>>>>                                 .subquery(name='t_ordered'))
>>>>             Not sure why it isn't working, but today my coworker an
>>>>             I massively
>>>>             rewrote one of the other methods to avoid this same
>>>>             issue, so maybe
>>>>             we should try the same for this one... though it would
>>>>             be nice to know
>>>>             what I goofed here, but not sure what additional
>>>>             information I can
>>>>             give that would help offhand...
>>>             what are the names that are actually present on subq.c
>>>             ?   "print list(subq.c)" should give an indication.
>>>         Adding that in to the method gave this:
>>>         >>> deploy.find_deployed_version('tdstest', 'development',
>>>         version='9', apptier=True)
>>>         [Column('pkg_name', String(length=255), table=<t_ordered>,
>>>         nullable=False), Column('version', String(length=63),
>>>         table=<t_ordered>, nullable=False), Column('revision',
>>>         String(length=63), table=<t_ordered>, nullable=False),
>>>         Column('appType', String(length=100), table=<t_ordered>,
>>>         nullable=False), <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.ColumnClause at
>>>         0x1d20e10; %(30521360 anon)s>]
>>>         Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>           File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>>           File
>>>         "/home/klareau/repos/git/tagopsdb/tagopsdb/deploy/deploy.py", line
>>>         237, in find_deployed_version
>>>             .group_by(subq.c.appType, subq.c.environment)
>>>           File
>>> "/home/klareau/.virtualenvs/tds/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/_collections.py",
>>>         line 174, in __getattr__
>>>             raise AttributeError(key)
>>>         AttributeError: environment
>>         you need to put .label('environment') on that column before
>>         it finds its way into subq.  I dont have the mappings here to
>>         review.   
>>         for the next go around please just provide a one-file example
>>         of the mapping plus the query, thanks.
>>     Do you desire the example to be fully functional, or just have
>>     the relevant
>>     mapping and query?  We ran into the same issue with another query and
>>     ended up completely reworking the code to avoid the subquery, but
>>     it in-
>>     volves quite a bit of various mappings and I'm uncertain if it's
>>     the proper
>>     way to move forward.  I could try to post the before/after here,
>>     but if it
>>     needs to be able to to run standalone it may take me a bit of
>>     time to get
>>     it into a fully workable state (given how extensive it is).
>>     -- 
>>     - Ken Lareau
>>     -- 
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> -- 
> - Ken Lareau
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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import INTEGER, SMALLINT, TIMESTAMP
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import datetime

Base = declarative_base()

class AppDefinition(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'app_definitions'

    id = Column(u'AppID', SMALLINT(display_width=2), primary_key=True)
    app_type = Column(u'appType', String(length=100), nullable=False)
    status = Column(
        Enum('active', 'inactive'),

    app_deployments = relationship('AppDeployment')

class AppDeployment(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'app_deployments'

    id = Column(u'AppDeploymentID', INTEGER(), primary_key=True)
    deployment_id = Column(
        ForeignKey('deployments.DeploymentID', ondelete='cascade'),
    app_id = Column(
        ForeignKey('app_definitions.AppID', ondelete='cascade'),
    user = Column(String(length=32), nullable=False)
    status = Column(
    environment_id = Column(
        ForeignKey('environments.environmentID', ondelete='cascade'),
    realized = Column(

    application = relationship('AppDefinition')
    deployment = relationship('Deployment')
    environment_obj = relationship('Environment')

    def environment(self):
        return self.environment_obj.environment

    def environment(cls):
        return select(
                Environment.id == cls.environment_id

class Deployment(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'deployments'

    id = Column(u'DeploymentID', INTEGER(), primary_key=True)
    package_id = Column(
        ForeignKey('packages.package_id', ondelete='cascade'),

    app_deployments = relationship('AppDeployment')

class Environment(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'environments'

    id = Column(u'environmentID', INTEGER(), primary_key=True)
    environment = Column(String(length=15), nullable=False, unique=True)

class Package(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'packages'

    id = Column(u'package_id', INTEGER(), primary_key=True)
    pkg_name = Column(String(length=255), nullable=False)
    version = Column(String(length=63), nullable=False)
    revision = Column(String(length=63), nullable=False)

    deployments = relationship('Deployment')

Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())

subq = (Session.query(Package.pkg_name, Package.version,
                      Package.revision, AppDefinition.app_type,
                      AppDeployment.realized, AppDeployment.user,
               .filter(AppDeployment.status != 'invalidated')
               .filter(AppDeployment.environment == "some environment")

q = (Session.query(subq.c.pkg_name, subq.c.version, subq.c.revision,
                          subq.c.appType, subq.c.environment_id,
                          subq.c.realized, subq.c.user, subq.c.status)
                   .group_by(subq.c.appType, subq.c.environment_id,
                                func.unix_timestamp(subq.c.realized) <
                                func.unix_timestamp(func.now()) -

print q

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