Dear Jonathan,

thank you for your cool remix of recommendations. Very appreciated.

On Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014 15:09:03 Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> In case this helps...
> This reminds me slightly of some RFID work I did years ago.  We had a lot
> of reads coming in from different units, several reads per unit per second.


> I found the best way to handle writing was to just access the db directly,
> but kept the ORM on the "read" side.

I'm doing this in other projects, but writing SQL feels so 80ies, doesn't it.. 
I even did my own ORM with a small 'r' (how did not?) in about a 150 lines of 
code years ago.

> I recall a few things from that experience.  some of this might be
> applicable to you:
> • doing a "Select else Insert" pattern was faster than "Insert All" and
> just letting the db constraint catch errors.  there were still a lot of
> exceptions from different transactions.  this is probably dependent on the
> database/version/size/etc.  but it's worth profiling.

Yes, that's what I found, too. In the rollback part of it.

> • we had a low number of "devices", so just cached their data into the
> app's memory.  losing the extra select helped a bit.
> * our transaction got pared down to looking like this:
>      begin;
>      select record ;
>      insert record;
>      commit;
> * i think someone eventually migrated the db interaction to use a stored
> procedure.

An example of that would be interesting.
> * we kept an in-memory array of recently seen transactions.  it was just a
> simple list that would have elements inserted at 0 and then truncated.  we
> checked that list first, then hit the database if it wasn't seen .

I'm doing that, but using a dict with the unique index members as the key.

> our performance greatly increased, and frustrations decreased, as we moved
> more logic out of the database and into python.
> on another RFID project, the lead engineer i worked with had a similar
> approach... however to keep performance better, he used an in-memory
> database to record data and then did periodic flushes to the real database
> after the data was "smoothed" out ( to compensate for known hardware issues
> ).

Oh, that case sounds pretty pathologic..

After coping with Mike's notes, I faced some bottlenecks on the sending side, 
which are plain Raspberry Pis, and the socket interface. Disabling Nagle 
helped a lot, as well as avoiding datetime.datetime.strptime(). I've learned, 
that some unavoidable datetime and timezone operations are still the most 
expensive ones.. Oh, well.

Net result of this optimization quest: down to 1/10th compared to the starting 
point, and all that without getting too dirty. ;)


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