> Particularly since sqlalchemy has already established that it's willing to
> expire dict members when they may not be valid anymore - ie, what it does
> to clear any "cached" values from a row proxy after the session is
> committed.
> well it doesn't expire the deleted object right now because it's been
> evicted from the Session by the time the commit goes to expire things.
> Changing that behavior now would definitely bite a lot of people who depend
> on how it is right now (other people who are also looking at their deleted
> objects against my recommendations... :) )

Makes sense - maybe it could be a configurable option? Dunno how many
people (besides me!) would be interested in such behavior, though... =P

> from sqlalchemy import inspect
>> def exists(session, obj):
>>     state = inspect(obj)
>>     return session.query(state.mapper).get(state.identity) is None
>> print exists(sess, a1)
>  Hmm... very interesting.  I'll have to read up what what exactly this is
> doing (ie, what is state.identity?)...
> it's documented here:
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/orm/internals.html?highlight=instancestate#sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState.identity
Thanks for the link!

 the unique constraints are a set though.   not necessarily deterministic
which one it would locate first.  I'd use more of some kind of declared
system on the class:

>  Not clear on why this matters - if we're iterating through all the
> constraints, and returning True if any of them is matched, what difference
> does it make which one is evaluated first?  Except potentially from a
> performance standpoint, I suppose...
> what if there are two constraints, and only one is satisfied for a given
> object's values (e.g. the constraint is now satisfied by some other row),
> the other one is not present.  Is the answer True or False?

In the scenario I was envisioning, True (ie, it exists).  Basically, "Would
it violate ANY unique constraints if I tried to insert it? Yes".

Of course, I see your point: that in some situations, this might not fit
conceptually with the answer to the question, "Does THIS object exist in
the database?"  But I guess that's likely your point... that there isn't
really a good "universal" way to answer that question.

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