Am 08.07.2014 18:51, schrieb Jonathan Rogers:
> On 07/08/2014 12:39 PM, Cornelius Kölbel wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am wondering how the following would be translated to sqlalchemy.
>> I have three tables:
>>     "ClientMachine"
>>     "MachineToken"
>>     "Token"
>> The table MachineToken acts as n:m mapping between "ClientMachine" and
>> "Token".
>> Each machine can have several tokens assigned.
>> Looks like this:
>> machinetoken_table = sa.Table('MachineToken', meta.metadata,
>>                                                    sa.Column('id',
>> sa.types.Integer(),
>> sa.Sequence('machinetoken_seq_id', optional=True),
>> primary_key=True, nullable=False),
>>                                                    sa.Column("token_id",
>> sa.types.Integer(), ForeignKey('Token.privacyIDEATokenId')),
>> sa.Column("machine_id", sa.types.Integer(), ForeignKey('')),
>> sa.Column("application", sa.types.Unicode(64)),
>> UniqueConstraint('token_id', 'machine_id', 'application', name='uix_1'),
>> implicit_returning=implicit_returning,
>>                                                  )
>> Now I'd like to get a list of all machines and if the machine has token-
>> and application-information also this information.
>> I figured out a left outer join:
>>     select cl.cm_name
>>         , mt.application
>>         , (select privacyIDEATokenSerialnumber from Token where
>> privacyIDEATokenId = mt.token_id) as Serial
>>     FROM ClientMachine cl
>>     LEFT JOIN MachineToken mt
>>     ON = mt.machine_id
> I'd just use another outer join rather than a subquery:
> select cl.cm_name
>         , mt.application
>         , privacyIDEATokenSerialnumber
>     FROM ClientMachine cl
>     LEFT JOIN MachineToken mt
>     ON = mt.machine_id
>       LEFT JOIN Token
>       ON privacyIDEATokenId = mt.token_id
>> This will give me one machine entry per assigned "Token" or
>> "MachineToken.application". This is my intended result. fine.
>> I need to translate the MachineToken.token_id to a human readable
>> Serialnumber, this is why I have the line
>>     (select privacyIDEATokenSerialnumber from Token where
>> privacyIDEATokenId = mt.token_id)
>> To my understandung I would do in SQLA something like this:
>> Session.query(ClientMachine).outerjoin(MachineToken).filter(
>> == MachineToken.machine_id)
>> But how would I add the Serialnumber from the table "Token"?
> Since you've already defined the foreign keys in SQLA, you shouldn't
> need to do so again in the query. You can get any number of values
> from a query. Try something like this:
> Session.query(ClientMachine, Token.privacyIDEATokenSerialnumber) \
>                              .outerjoin(MachineToken).outerjoin(Token)
> That should give pairs of a ClientMachine instance and a
> privacyIDEATokenSerialnumber.
Hi Jonathon,

thanks a lot for the hint. Looks good to me.

Kind regards

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