On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 9:11 PM, Elliot <offonoffoffon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using sqlalchemy on a database of Google Transit Feed data.  The models
> are from pygtfs:
> https://github.com/jarondl/pygtfs/blob/master/pygtfs/gtfs_entities.py
> Basically, StopTime is related both to Stop and Trip.  I want all of the
> stoptimes of all of the trips which have one StopTime that has a particular
> stop.
> I believe this SQL does that:
>     stoptimes1 = session.execute('''
>     SELECT * FROM stop_times
>     JOIN trips ON stop_times.trip_id=trips.trip_id
>     JOIN stop_times AS st2 ON st2.trip_id=trips.trip_id
>     WHERE stop_times.stop_id=635 ORDER BY st2.stop_sequence
>     ''').fetchall()
> And I thought that this would be a translation of that into sqlalchemy:
>     from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
>     st2 = aliased(StopTime)
>     stoptimes2 =
> session.query(StopTime).join(StopTime.trip).filter(StopTime.stop_id ==
> u'635').join(st2,Trip).order_by(st2.stop_sequence)
> But it is not:
>     len(stoptimes1)
>       2848
>     len(stoptimes2)
>       109

print(stoptimes2) should reveal your issue. See also:

> Where 109 is how many trips have a StopTime with stop_id == 635, and 2848 is
> a much more reasonable number because each of those trips has many of stop
> times.
> I would really appreciate getting some insight into how to do in sqlalchemy
> what was done with the SQL.
> Thanks,
>   Elliot


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