On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Narendra L <feelna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actual question is here:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25200475/sqlalchmey-memory-leak-how-to-free-memory
> What measures should I take to cleanup old session objects? Isn't
> session.close() is sufficient?
> or Is it something to do with pyramid?
> Sqlalchmey setup:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> def get_db(request):
>     maker = request.registry.dbmaker
>     session = maker()
>     @profile
>     def cleanup(request):
>         _session = request.db
>         if request.exception is not None:
>             _session.rollback()
>         else:
>             _session.commit()
>         _session.close()
>         # del _session     # No memory released
>     request.add_finished_callback(cleanup)
>     return session
> def main(global_config, **settings):
>     :
>     :
>     config.registry.dbmaker = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>     config.add_request_method(get_db, name='db', reify=True)
>     :
>     :
> Pyramid app request handler is like
> @view_config(route_name='list_employees', renderer='json')
> def employees(request):
>    session = request.db
>    office = session.query(Office).get(1)
>    employees = [x.name for x in office.employees]
>    return employees
> Now the problem is, In every request to list_employees the memory is
> growing. the size of increase in memory is almost equal to size of
> office.employees.
> Debug:
> request 1 starts with memory utilization = 10MB
> request 1 ends with memory utilization = 18MB
> request 2 starts with memory utilization = 18MB
> request 2 ends with memory utilization = 26MB
> request 3 starts with memory utilization = 26MB
> request 3 ends with memory utilization = 34MB
>                  :
>                  :
>            Grows eventually
> employees = [x.name for x in office.employees]
> This is the line where about 8-10MB memory utilized
> To debug, I added __del__ method in Employ and Office models, looks like
> they are deleting.
> Also tried session.expunge(office), del office and gc.collect()
> I am debugging memory consumption using
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/memory_profiler Also I am
> usinghttps://pypi.python.org/pypi/transaction is other requests.
> I have removed debug toolbar also

You might try adding dowser (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dowser/0.2)
to your pyramid app - it gives you a way to find out what objects are
holding references to each other from your web browser. dowser is a
cherrypy app, but cherrypy supports WSGI so you can embed it in your
pyramid app something like this:

# In your configuration:
config.add_route('dowser', '/dowser/*subpath')

# In your views:
from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid.request import call_app_with_subpath_as_path_info

import dowser
import cherrypy

app = cherrypy.tree.mount(dowser.Root(), '/dowser/')

def dowserview(request):
    request.subpath = request.matchdict['subpath']
    return call_app_with_subpath_as_path_info(request, app)


Then visit http://<host>/dowser/ in your browser.

Inspecting SQLAlchemy objects is a bit tricky because of their
relationship with the session, which normally only lasts for the
lifetime of a single web request and is not thread safe. You'll
probably need to run your pyramid app in a single thread, and if
dowser tries to touch an attribute which would be lazy-loaded, it will
fail. But if you can work around those restrictions, it can be pretty

(I've also got a memory leak in a pyramid/sqlalchemy application, and
I started trying to track it down using this method. So far I haven't
found the problem, and the application is not used very much, so it
hasn't been high on my priority list.)

Hope that helps,


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