I am trying to convert the following SQL statement into an Sqlalchemy ORM 
(Version 0.7.4) statement:


SELECT [hermes_stage].[dbo].[run].[tank]






  FROM [some_db].[run]


        Select max(start_time) as LatestDate, [tank]

        from [hermes_stage].[dbo].[run]

        Group by [tank]) submax ON

        [run].start_time = submax.LatestDate

  WHERE some_condition = True and start_time is not NULL and stop_time is 
NULL and run.tank in ('some list of labels')

  ORDER BY tank


Note the parts highlighted in yellow, labeling max(start_time), and the 
part that joins the subquery with the main query.


Strategy: I was planning on using a subquery() to generate the query within 
the inner join.


sub_query = model.session.query(func.max(Run.start_time), Run.tank)

                         .filter(Run.tank.in_(['Q2_A1', 'Q2_A2']))



                         .subquery(name = 'sub')





          .join(sub_query, Run.start_time==sub_query.c.max_1)

          .filter(some_conditions are true)



This will, however, fail with an “AttributeError: max_1”.  I did some more 
digging and found that:


In: for item in test.c: print item





I can do the following:


In: test.c.run_tank

Out: Column(u'run_tank', Unicode(length=10), table=<sub>)


Doing the same for max_1 gives me an attribute error. When I print the 
types of each item in c, I get the following.


In:for item in test.c: print type(item)   


<class 'sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnClause'>

<class 'sqlalchemy.schema.Column'>


I think I am getting the error because it is not possible to retrieve a 
column name from something of type “ColumnClause”. Two questions come to 
mind:1.) How do I convert a ColumnClause into a “Column”? I think I need to 
do this so that I can perform the join part correctly. 2.) What alternative 
querying strategy would you recommend in the absence of a solution to 1.)?


Thank you for looking at my case!

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