is it true of sqlalchemy verison 0.7 (which BTW I am using)?

If I close() explicitly only for insert queries, I can see that parallel 
inserts happening equal to no. of threads that I have, but if I remove it, 
no parallel inserts happen(I am checking this by using show processlist on 
mysql prompt)

pool_size = 150 : when close() is called.
pool_size = 30 : when close() in not called.

I had to bump the pool_size as log of 'wait timeout exceeded' errors were 
seen in the application log.  

I am taking care of creating new session per thread which is not being 
shared with others.

BTW fetch_all( ) from result worked in case select queries, but we are 
still experimenting to eliminate / minimize the other errors

On Monday, September 22, 2014 11:14:04 AM UTC-5, Milind Vaidya wrote:
> HI 
> I have following code,
>     @db_error_handler
>     def execute_query(self, query_str, data=None):
>         '''Execute DB query and retry for common DB interaction errors'''
>         errors_concerned = [1213, 1205, 2013, 2006]
>         attempts = 1 
>         while(True):
>             try:
>                 result = self.session.execute(query_str, data)
>                 #result.close() : Trying to commonize insert/select
>                 self.session.commit()
>                 return result
>             except OperationalError as oe: 
>                 self.session.rollback()
>                 if oe.orig[0] in errors_concerned:
>                     if attempts <= 3:
>                         logger.error("Error occured in attempts %s: %s" % 
> (attempts, oe.orig))
>                         time.sleep(2 * attempts)
>                     attempts += 1
>                         continue
>                     else:
>                         logger.error("Error occured, attempts exhausted 
> %s: %s" % (attempts, oe.orig))
>             break
>                 else:
>             raise
> I am constructing the queries outside and passing to this function. I want 
> to return result in case of select queries. But I can not do that if I call 
> result.close() before returning. Without closing the result, insert queries 
> have a problem.
> ERROR: DB operation failure: (ProgrammingError) (2014, "Commands out of 
> sync; you can't run this command now") None None
> So I was thinking of using 
> is_insert¶ 
> <>
> True if this ResultProxy 
> <>
> is the result of a executing an expression language compiled 
> expression.insert() 
> <>
> construct.
> When True, this implies that the inserted_primary_key 
> <>
> attribute is accessible, assuming the statement did not include a user 
> defined “returning” construct.
> to check if the query resulted in insert and then call close skip 
> otherwise ? Is it ok from semantic point of view ? Also will it result it 
> inconsistent connection state or connections ?

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