I'm having some trouble with the Postgresql function row_to_json. It's 
possible to use it on an entire table to turn each row from the table into 
a JSON object, like select row_to_json(t) as j from some_table as t. You 
can also use a subselect, and that's where the trouble lies.

I want to generate this SQL, or the equivalent:
update sample set query_args=(select row_to_json(s) from (select 
ARRAY[campaign] as campaign, ARRAY[keyword] as keyword from sample as 
inner_sample where inner_sample.id = sample.id) as s);

Here's my table definition and attempt:

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgres import array, JSON

engine = sa.create_engine("postgres://foo")  # let engine be a valid postgres 
meta = sa.MetaData()
sample_table = sa.Table('sample', meta,
    sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
    sa.Column('campaign', sa.Unicode),
    sa.Column('keyword', sa.Unicode),
    sa.Column('query_args', JSON))
# put in some sample rows
engine.execute(sample_table.insert(), [{'campaign': 'one', 'keyword': 'foo'}, 
{'campaign': 'two', 'keyword': 'bar'}])

inner_sample = sample_table.alias('inner_sample')
s = sa.select([array([inner_sample.c.campaign]).label('campaign'), 
array([inner_sample.c.keyword]).label('keyword')]).where(inner_sample.c.id == 
print s.compile(engine)
# SELECT ARRAY[inner_sample.campaign] AS campaign, ARRAY[inner_sample.keyword] 
AS keyword
# FROM sample AS inner_sample, sample
# WHERE inner_sample.id = sample.id

The FROM clause isn't quite right, but that will take care of itself later 
thanks to the correlate call. This is the subselect that I want to turn 
into JSON using row_to_json, and then store into the query_args column.

j = sa.func.row_to_json(s).select().select_from(s).as_scalar()

print sample_table.update().values(query_args=j).compile(db_session.bind)

# UPDATE sample SET query_args=(SELECT row_to_json(SELECT 
ARRAY[inner_sample.campaign] AS campaign, ARRAY[inner_sample.keyword] AS keyword
# FROM sample AS inner_sample
# WHERE inner_sample.id = sample.id) AS row_to_json_1
# FROM (SELECT ARRAY[inner_sample.campaign] AS campaign, 
ARRAY[inner_sample.keyword] AS keyword
# FROM sample AS inner_sample
# WHERE inner_sample.id = sample.id) AS s)

Now the FROM clause in the subselect is right, but the subselect gets 
repeated inside the row_to_json call. The alias 's' does correctly get 
rendered; how can I tell SQLAlchemy that row_to_json is a function that can 
accept a selectable? It's basically right except the row_to_json call 
should just be row_to_json(s).

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