Hi All,

I am wondering if it is possible to describe in sqlalchemy the
following relationship with the new features introduced since 0.9.2.
I've been reading this document and it looks close to what I'm trying
to achieve:

> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/orm/relationships.html#composite-secondary-joins

As does this previous mailing list post:

> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sqlalchemy/ov-mYWA7XAM/discussion

There is a pre-existing structure to deal with. I would rather not
change the structure if it can be avoided, but may have to resort to
doing so. Here are the tables:

TableName (column, ...)

> PersonAction (PersonID, ActionID)
> PersonUnit (PersonID, UnitID)
> DepartmentUnit (UnitID, DepartmentID)
> ActionMeaning (DepartmentID, ActionID)

It would be nice to be able to go from an ActionMeaning to a
PersonAction and back again. To do that, a conversion between
DepartmentName and DepartmentID needs to happen.

Here are a few of the relationships:

One PersonAction: one ActionMeaning
One ActionMeaning: many PersonAction
One PersonUnit many  PersonAction
One PersonUnit one DepartmentUnit
One DepartmentID: many UnitID
  (therefore one ActionMeaning: many DepartmentUnit)
One ActionMeaning: Many PersonUnit (via DepartmentUnit)

I'm using the ORM and I would like to be able to write a property on
the PersonAction which allows me to efficiently get to the
ActionMeaning (preferably joinedload'ed), and likewise I would like to
be able to go from an ActionMeaning to all of the related

Is this possible? Or are there alternative tasteful strategies for
dealing with this tricky structure?

Life would be much easier if I had the DepartmentID on the PersonUnit...

Keywords to help anyone searching in the future:

Composite relationship between multiple tables
Joining multiple tables in a relationship
relationship secondary join primaryjoin secondaryjoin


- Peter

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