SF Markus Elfring <elfr...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:

>> SQLAlchemy sends to the log the statement and parameters it is to send
>> to the DBAPI cursor.execute() method, *before* it actually does so.
>> This so that if the DBAPI throws an exception, as is the case here,
>> one can see what instructions were sent to it which were the immediate
>> cause of this error.
> Thanks for your explanation.
> Do I need to consider any more fine-tuning for my database session?
>> The mechanism of a UNIQUE constraint is that this is a database-level
>> construct, so the backend database is tasked with checking this
>> this condition and reporting on it at statement execution time.
> Should I get the exception "sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError" directly
> after I attempted to insert a second record set with unique attributes
> into a SQLite table?

I don’t have a stack trace here to see what the nature of the issue is but it 
is likely that the INSERT is proceeding using DBAPI executemany(), which 
receives the full set of records in one batch before any communication with the 
database is established.  SQLAlchemy doesn’t have access to at what point each 
individual series of parameters are invoked as the interface is too 

The two general techniques for dealing with unique constraints are to either 
SELECT ahead of time the rows that you know to be dealing with into a 
collection, such that you can check within this collection ahead of time for 
the existing row before proceeding, or invoking the INSERT of rows one at a 
time, catching each IntegrityError inside of a SAVEPOINT 
 describes the Session’s API for SAVEPOINT).   Note that the SQLite driver has 
a bug with SAVEPOINT which you need to apply the technique at 
in order to overcome.

> Regards,
> Markus

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