I have a model with two relations which i set them as lazy="joined". so i 
was thinking while they are already joined, i can filter relation objects 
without using join() in query. but i was wrong. this is what working for me:
query = session.query(MyModel) \
            .join(BModel) \
            .join(CModel) \
            ) \

Thanks again.

On Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 5:25:35 PM UTC+3:30, Simon King wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Mehdi <mese...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > Hi 
> > I want to make a query with given filters received from client side. 
> client 
> > side sends a json array like this: 
> > [ 
> >     "0DA": {conditionType: null, column: "serialNumber", operator: 
> > "GREATER_THAN", value: 50}, 
> >     "1DG": {conditionType: "AND", column: "name", operator: "EQUAL", 
> value: 
> > "john" } 
> > ] 
> > 
> > I've managed to convert the json array into string query with a template 
> > like this: 
> > " {condition_type} {column} {operator} {value} " 
> > 
> > But this is only the "WHERE" clause. for complete query i use 
> > session.query(myModel) which myModel has two relationships with 
> > lazy="joined" mix with text() for filters: 
> > session.query(myModel).filter(text(sql_string)) 
> > 
> > But the problem is the session.query() uses alias column names(with "AS" 
> > keyword) which my filter part with exact column names couln'd find those 
> > aliased columns. 
> > So Is there a way to tell session.query() use the exact column names? or 
> i 
> > should change my way? 
> > Thanks. 
> Rather than using the column names, could you use attributes on 
> myModel instead? For example: 
>     col = getattr(myModel, columnname) 
>     if operator = "GREATER_THAN": 
>         condition = col > value 
>     elif operator = "LESS_THAN": 
>         condition = col < value 
>     # etc. 
>     result = session.query(myModel).filter(condition) 
> You may not even need the "if" statement: 
>     operators = { 
>         "GREATER_THAN": sqlalchemy.sql.operators.gt 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fsqlalchemy.sql.operators.gt&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHNXjtg_00KfVwfI-oe1gx9oWYFtA>,
>         "LESS_THAN": sqlalchemy.sql.operators.lt, 
>         # etc. 
>     } 
>     col = getattr(myModel, columnname) 
>     condition = operators[operator](col, value) 
> Hope that helps, 
> Simon 

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