I am getting the following exception on "dbCurrent.metadata.create_all(engCurrent)" for the Currency class.

It is due to the "Constraint" for 'home' and 'used' columns having the same name.

Is this due to the BOOLEAN type and what is the correct way of uniquely naming the Constraint?

Is this a recent change as I don't seem to get this on 0.9.3, below is with Python 3.4 and 0.9.7.


class Currency(DeclarativeBase, mix.StandardColumnMixin):
    __tablename__ = u'currency'

    name = sa.Column(sa.Unicode(length=50), nullable=False, index=True)
    code = sa.Column(sa.Unicode(length=3))
    exchangerate = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=15, scale=6))
    home = sa.Column(sa.BOOLEAN(), default=False)
    used = sa.Column(sa.BOOLEAN(), default=False)
    sortorder = sa.Column(sa.Integer())

    __mapper_args__ = {
'order_by': "home DESC NULLS LAST, used DESC, sortorder DESC NULLS LAST, UPPER(name)"}

File "d:\devMine\twcbv5\twcbsrc\controllers\app_cb.py", line 1271, in <module>
  app = ab.BaseApp(redirect=True, filename=appLog)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\wx\core.py", line 1864, in __init__
File "d:\devMine\twcbv5\twcbsrc\app_base.py", line 169, in OnInit
File "d:\devMine\twcbv5\twcbsrc\app_base.py", line 502, in updateDB
  if not dbupg.dbUpgrade(prefMinimal):
File "d:\devMine\twcbv5\twcbsrc\dbupdatetools\dbupgrade.py", line 59, in dbUpgrade
  if not dbupgv50.doUpgrade(progdlg):
File "d:\devMine\twcbv5\twcbsrc\dbupdatetools\dbupgradev50.py", line 382, in doUpgrade
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\schema.py", line 3352, in create_all
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 1617, in _run_visitor
  conn._run_visitor(visitorcallable, element, **kwargs)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 1246, in _run_visitor
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\visitors.py", line 120, in traverse_single
  return meth(obj, **kw)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\ddl.py", line 713, in visit_metadata
  self.traverse_single(table, create_ok=True)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\visitors.py", line 120, in traverse_single
  return meth(obj, **kw)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\ddl.py", line 732, in visit_table
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 729, in execute
  return meth(self, multiparams, params)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\ddl.py", line 69, in _execute_on_connection
  return connection._execute_ddl(self, multiparams, params)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 783, in _execute_ddl
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 958, in _execute_context
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 1160, in _handle_dbapi_exception
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\compat.py", line 188, in raise_from_cause
  reraise(type(exception), exception, tb=exc_tb, cause=exc_value)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\compat.py", line 181, in reraise
  raise value.with_traceback(tb)
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", line 951, in _execute_context
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\dialects\firebird\kinterbasdb.py", line 110, in do_execute
  cursor.execute(statement, parameters or [])
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\fdb\fbcore.py", line 3353, in execute
File "c:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\fdb\fbcore.py", line 3080, in _execute
  "Error while executing SQL statement:")

sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ('Error while executing SQL statement:\n- SQLCODE: -607\n- unsuccessful metadata update\n- STORE RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS failed\n- attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "RDB$INDEX_12"', -607, 335544351) '\nCREATE TABLE currency (\n\tid KEYS NOT NULL, \n\tname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, \n\tcode VARCHAR(3), \n\texchangerate NUMERIC(15, 6), \n\thome BOOLEAN, \n\tused BOOLEAN, \n\tsortorder INTEGER, \n\tcreated_at TIMESTAMP, \n\tupdated_at TIMESTAMP, \n\tcreated_by KEYS, \n\tupdated_by KEYS, \n\tCONSTRAINT pk_currency PRIMARY KEY (id), \n\tCONSTRAINT ck_currency__unnamed_ CHECK (home IN (0, 1)), \n\tCONSTRAINT ck_currency__unnamed_ CHECK (used IN (0, 1))\n)\n\n' ()

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