I have a table which i have changed the Engine from Myisam to InnoDB, This 
is the only table that has been changed, there are other tables that are in 
relation with this table of 1:N 

class Signals(Base, sql_functions):

__tablename__ = 'Signals'

def __init__(self, message_id=None, clip_id=None, signal_id=None):
    self.message_id         = message_id
    self.clip_id            = clip_id
    self.signal_id          = signal_id

__table_args__ = {  
    'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB',  
    'mysql_charset': 'utf8'  

__mapper_args__= {'always_refresh': True}

id                  =  Column(Integer(10), primary_key=True)
message_id          =  Column(Integer(10), ForeignKey('Messages.id'))
clip_id             =  Column(Integer(10), ForeignKey('Clips.id'))
signal_id           =  Column(Integer(10), ForeignKey('Signal_names.id'), 

sig_name = relationship("SignalNames", backref=backref('Signals', order_by=id), 
primaryjoin = 'Signals.signal_id == SignalNames.id', foreign_keys = 
clips = relationship("Clips", backref=backref('Signals', order_by=id), 
primaryjoin = 'Signals.clip_id == Clips.id', foreign_keys = 'Clips.id')
messages = relationship("Messages", backref=backref('Signals', order_by=id), 
primaryjoin = 'Signals.message_id == Messages.id', foreign_keys = 'Messages.id')

def __repr__(self):
    return "<Signals ('%s %s %s')>" % (self.message_id, self.clip_id)

Index('idx_msg_id', Signals.message_id)

The problem is that since I have changed the Engine to InnoDB the 
foreignKey are being created which is undesired, the problem is that 
Sqlalchemy is using the foreignKey definition in the Column for defining 
the Join queries and this definition cannot be dropped.

Is there a way to prevent the creation of the FK? or defining the 
relationships without the adding the foreignKey?

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