Ivan Evstegneev <bravo....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Michael 
> Thanks for the reply.
> Since the moment I wrote this mail, I  got some more insight on how things 
> work in DBs. 
> Just kept to harvest some info from the NET. 
> Though thanks you for answers. 
> >>>heh…why aren’t you asking on *their* list then ? :) 
> Already did ^_^ even prior to writing here. But, as it seems, they are just 
> "one man army", I got a response from a developer, he asked me what my 
> project is about and then dissipated )))))

actually they are a two-man army. Here at SQLAlchemy Inc. we try to always
have a satisfied customer! (if at all possible).

> Again, thank you.
> Ivan.
> On Friday, March 20, 2015 at 1:30:19 AM UTC+2, Michael Bayer wrote:
> Ivan Evstegneev <brav...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > 
> > First of all I'm new to DBs so please don't hang me on a tree ))) 
> > 
> > 
> > I have basic and simple questions(at least it simple for me ^_^ ). 
> > 
> > While googling and reading some tutorials about ORM DBs at whole, I still 
> > cannot build up a logical picture of how it works. 
> I think you might like some of the videos I have up at 
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/library.html#talks. The “Session in Depth” gets 
> pretty step-by-step about the internals. 
> > Here  is the brief example (I will use pony orm syntax cause it is readable 
> > and simple )))) ) 
> heh…why aren’t you asking on *their* list then ? :) 
> > 
> > Lets begin. 
> > 
> > First of all we need ti initialize a DB, like this: 
> > 
> > >>> db = Database('sqlite', '/path/to/the/test_db.sqlite', create_db=True) 
> > 
> > This command says that we've created a DB file named "test_db.sqlite" and 
> > it based on sqlite. 
> > 
> > Then, let's say  I'll create two classes(connected via cars attribute): 
> > 
> > >>>class Person (db.Entity): 
> >           name = Required(str) 
> >           age = Required(int) 
> >           cars = Set("Car") 
> > ... 
> > 
> > >>>class Car(db.Entity): 
> >              make = Required(str) 
> >              model = Required(str) 
> >              owner = Required(Person) 
> > ... 
> > 
> > Finally I make a mapping between these classses and "test_db.sqlite" 
> > 
> > >>>db.generate_mapping(create_tables=True) 
> > 
> > 
> > So, at this moment I have some classes stored in the memory (cause I worked 
> > in python interactive shell) and physical "test_db.sqlite" placed on my 
> > hard drive. 
> > This file is actually contains an empty tables, am I right? 
> um…well if create_tables is like create_all(), then yes. go to a shell and 
> type “sqlite3 <name_of_yourfile>”, you can query it directly. 
> > Because I didn't initialized any entities yet. 
> > I can keep working via interactive console in order to accomplish this task 
> > and then just write "commit()" command in order to update "test_db.sqlite" 
> > file. 
> > 
> > Till this point everything looks fine.(I hope) 
> > 
> > The question arises when I ask my self how all this stuff should work with 
> > my code? 
> > 
> > I mean that I need to write some functions that will update my_db data. 
> > 
> > Suppose  I have "my_main_routine.py" which, among the other things, imports 
> > some data from xls files. But how do I actually put these xls values in my 
> > data base? 
> > 
> > Should it look like that: 
> > 
> > my_main_routine.py 
> > my_db_classes.py ---- which will consist of all the classes I've created 
> > before.(i.e. Person and Car) 
> > "test_db.sqlite" ---- supose I've already mapped my classes to this file. 
> if you’re writing a script to read an .xls file, I wouldn’t overthink it to 
> start. If you’re going to use multiple files, I’d advise using a traditional 
> “package” setup, e.g. with an __init__.py and all that. But an .xls reader 
> just to prototype probably can be in one file to start. 
> > How do I handle all my these db-classes inside of main_routine? 
> > 
> > Does it look like that(generally): 
> > 
> > # my_main_routine.py 
> > 
> > import my_db_classes 
> > 
> > # db binding commands: 
> > db.bind('sqlite', '/path/to/the/test_db.sqlite', create_db=True) 
> > 
> > ......... my_code_ for_importing_xls_values....... 
> > ..........my_code_ for_importing_xls_values....... 
> > ..........my_code_ for_importing_xls_values....... 
> > ..........my_code_ for_importing_xls_values....... 
> > 
> > # now I need to pass these xls values to my db 
> > # so should it be written like that? --> 
> > 
> > p1 = Person(name = 'John', age = 20) 
> > p2 = Person(name = 'Mary' , age = 23) 
> > c1 = Car(make='Toyota', model = 'Prius', owner=p2) 
> > c2 = Car(make='Ford', model='Exploler', owner=p1) 
> that’s an easy way to do it, sure. There’s ways that people might want to 
> automate how the names get matched up but I think if you’re starting out, I 
> think on a name-by-name basis works, you’d have a loop that iterates through 
> rows in the XLS, and for each row it makes a bunch of objects. 
> > #and then just 
> > 
> > commit() 
> > 
> > #is that all? I just work directly with classes (in SQLAlchemy for 
> > particularly) or I need some decorators/ other stuff? 
> that is all, if you put things in the session with session.add() first, then 
> you just commit and it flushes them. 
> > EOF 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Furthermore, as I can barely understand, in order to work with db inside 
> > my_routine file I need (preferably) create a separate files i.e.: 
> > 
> > my_db_classes.py 
> > my_db_initial_mapper.py 
> > # in this file my db_mapping functions should be placed 
> > # as a result the "my_db.sqlite" will be created. 
> > 
> > and then my main code should look like this: 
> > 
> > # my_main_routine.py 
> > import my_db_classes 
> > import my_db_initial_mapper 
> > 
> > #binding functions may be placed in main_routine file(right?) 
> > 
> > ...... binding code.......... 
> > 
> > ......some xls related code......... 
> > 
> > ......entities assignment code..... 
> > 
> > commit() 
> > 
> > EOF 
> > 
> > Is this right? 
> that could work sure. 
> > 
> > 
> > I think my problem appeared because of a lot of examples about databases 
> > are using interactive prompt so, it's kinda tricky to combine all of it 
> > when talking about python modules. 
> You might want to poke around for example applications. I think most of them 
> are going to be web apps though which is likely more than you need here. 
> > Hope my question is clear enough, in case it doesn't I'll may best to write 
> > it more clearly next time )))) 
> > 
> > Any help will be highly appreciated. 
> > 
> > 
> > Ivan. 
> > 
> > P.S. What about raw SQL code? Should I write it directly in 
> > my_main_routine.py  or there some special ways of implementation? 
> for putting .xls rows into a database with the ORM you wouldn’t need much 
> raw SQL. If you did, then yes you’d just have the strings for that SQL in 
> the file. 
> where you’re at, just do what works, and then when you have that, you can 
> iterate on it to make it better. 
> > -- 
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