
i have a project of transferring everything from an old API to a new one. 
the new API uses sqlalchemy ORM exclusively and my old used raw sql with 
the py-postgresql driver. i need help converting some of the more complex 
statements into ORM, or at least into a textual statement with some bound 
parameters. this statement is an "upsert" type that will update if exists, 
or insert if not. additionally, i'm dealing with an array input (python 
list) and i can't figure out how to bind subgroups using .params(). it is 
easily done in ORM with .in_() but i lack the experience in how to convert 
this set of queries into ORM.

given the following data:

vid:       'CVE-2002-2443'
dept:      'SecEng'
subgroups: ['Archive', 'Desktop', 'DB', 'API']
status:    'n/a'  

and the following existing SQL statement (postgresql):

WITH new_values (vid,dept,subgroups,status) AS (
    VALUES (:vid, :dept, :subgroups, :status)),
persub AS (
    SELECT :vid as vid,dept,subgroup
        FROM    sme_subgroups sg
        WHERE   sg.dept     = :dept
            AND sg.subgroup = ANY (:subgroups)),
upsert AS (
    UPDATE sme_vuln_status sv
        SET status      = nv.status,
            published   = now() at time zone 'UTC'
    FROM new_values nv
    WHERE   sv.vid      = nv.vid  
        AND sv.dept     = nv.dept  
        AND sv.subgroup = ANY (nv.subgroups)
    RETURNING sv.*)INSERT INTO sme_vuln_status 
    SELECT vid,dept,subgroup,:status,now() at time zone 'UTC'  
    FROM persub
        FROM upsert up
        WHERE   up.vid      = persub.vid
            AND up.dept     = persub.dept
            AND up.subgroup = persub.subgroup

how can i properly do either of:

   - bind a list as a variable for a raw .from_statement().params(..., 
   subgroups=<?>) or similar set of methods
   - build an ORM query matching this raw statement?

thank you :)

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