
First - amazing work on SQLAlchemy, what an amazing body of work.

Second, my question.

I'm attempting to convert a pure-python object, into a custom type for 
column definition. My question is, do I need to keep my original 
MyObj(object) and use it inside the process_bind_param/process_result_value 
of MyObjType(TypeDecorator), or should I be able to get this to work with 
just one class?


I'm confused about the *arg and **kw passed to typeobj, in the 
to_instance() function, from type_api.py...when those might conflict with 
my object constructor's parameters.  My pure-python object can be entirely 
represented by a single Integer.  Before I started "converting" my object 
to a TypeDecorator, my object already had a constructor, which used the 
first non-optional argument to instantiate it's value.  I inherited from 
TypeDecorator, added a impl = Integer before my constructor, and self.impl 
= Integer() inside the constructor, plus some one-line 
process_bind_param(), process_result_value() and copy() functions.

...but I can't get it to work.

I can get it to build a table object, with my MyObj and MyObjType, but when 
I try to assign a new instance of my object to the table's column 
attribute, it doesn't want to commit.

...if anybody wants to have a look at my code, it is on github, organized 
into a PR, https://github.com/Equitable/trump/pull/15 with links to the 
files and line numbers.

Thanks for reading, and any tips.

BTW - this is my first project using an ORM!  Still getting up the curve.

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