On Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 7:19:08 PM UTC+1, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> [...]
> I'm guessing that this issue is with the driver.
> Here's a semi-related thread:
> * 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5693885/pyodbc-very-slow-bulk-insert-speed 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.com%2Fquestions%2F5693885%2Fpyodbc-very-slow-bulk-insert-speed&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFZ1HfXtEGFbFLWP2uhtIyql-mHZg>
>   It looks like the pyodbc driver handles "executemany" in a not very ideal 
> manner.
> There were also some threads that noted ODBC tracing being on, and others 
> that noted most python drivers are just painfully slow. 
> In any event, if you're talking about a single insert statement.... that 
> sounds like an executemany context and a driver issue.

Tracing is off.
If I had to place a bet, my money would be on pyodbc having too slow a 
network connection, for some reason that's totally beyond me.
On my home PC I generated a dataframe of random numbers in Python, then 
used the to_sql() method to transfer it to a SQL Server express running on 
the same machine, and it was fast. This suggests that SQL server has no 
issue with the data per se.
When I ran the same code on my work PC, trying to export to a SQL Server 
2014 machine which is part of the same company network and only a few miles 
away, it took ages.

I'll try having Python installed on the SQL server, and running it from 
there, to see if this theory is correct. 

I also tried pymssql, but it took ages.
Some stack overflow users had luck with adodb, but sqlalchemy no longer 
supports it.

I miss Matlab's database toolbox! Yes, it's expensive, and Matlab has tons 
of flaws, but at least Matlab's documentation is excellent and doesn't 
cause you to lose the will to live wasting hours trying to figure out how 
to carry out a banal task like exporting a table...

The bottom line is that pandas to_sql() methos is basically unusable if 
you're trying to export more than 2 MBs of data

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help, Jonathan and Michael.

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