That worked perfectly, thanks! Behaves exactly the same as if I had 
manually defined all the tables using declarative_base.

On Friday, April 24, 2015 at 10:01:49 AM UTC+12, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On 4/23/15 5:15 PM, Jeffrey Yan wrote:
> I have a couple of tables that I want to reflect. The first is a data 
> table where one of the columns is a foreign key to the second table. 
>  If I used SQLAlchemy declarative_base, a query might look something like 
> this:
>   session.query(, Suburb.label).join(Suburb) # In the Client 
> class there is an attribute suburb_id = Column(Integer, 
> ForeignKey(
>  However, this foreign key is not specified in the schema (we're using 
> postgres 9.2) but we know all the columns that look like something_id are 
> foreign keys, so I've been defining them that way using SQLAlchemy.
>  My problem is, although we have a fixed number of property tables 
> (suburb, country, join_date, ...) - each data table (per client) can have a 
> different set of columns.
>  This hasn't been much of a problem so far, since we only have a few 
> *types* of client data tables, so the combinations have been limited. 
> However, I'd like to cater for changes in the future.
>  If I reflect the table using SQLAlchemy, the resultant table will not 
> have the ForeignKey columns compared to if I did it manually. Is there a 
> way to add these in after reflection? 
> you can do this by instrumenting the process of the Table being built 
> up.    It's weird enough that I had to write a demo to verify it works, so 
> here it is:
> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
> from sqlalchemy import event
> from sqlalchemy import MetaData, ForeignKey, Column
> import re
> e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test")
> conn = e.connect()
> trans = conn.begin()
> conn.execute("""
>     create table foo (id integer primary key)
> """)
> conn.execute("""
>     create table bar (id integer primary key, foo_id integer)
> """)
> metadata = MetaData()
> @event.listens_for(Column, "before_parent_attach")
> def associate_fk(column, table):
>     # if you want to limit the event's scope; a good idea
>     # else this will take place for Column objects everywhere
>     if table.metadata is not metadata:
>         return
>     m = re.match(r"(.+)_id",
>     if m:
>         tname =
>         column.append_foreign_key(ForeignKey('' % tname))
> metadata.reflect(conn)
> foo = metadata.tables['foo']
> bar = metadata.tables['bar']
> assert bar.c.foo_id.references(
>  Or is my only option to use reflected tables and explicit join 
> conditions? Something like:
>   client_table_1 = Table('client_table_1', metadata, autoload=True, 
> autoload_with=engine, schema='client_1')
> session.query(,Suburb.label).join(Suburb, 
> client_table_1.c.suburb_id == # Explicit joins only from now on
>  -- 
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