I got it working. The second example was really helpful. Thanks, Mike!

Best regards,

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>

> On 5/13/15 5:33 PM, Bruno Grande wrote:
> I was looking for a way of typecasting attributes that are mapped to
> Integer columns as Python integers without having to commit to the database
> first. On the IRC channel, I was pointed towards simple validators and
> the @validates decorator. While this works, implementing validation using
> this approach for all integer attributes across all classes seems
> inefficient.
>  I then looked into AttributeEvents with the idea of adding a listener to
> the base class, but I can't seem to figure out a way for have the listener
> listen to all attribute changes. The documentation
> <http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/events.html#sqlalchemy.orm.events.AttributeEvents.set>
> only gives examples for listening to specific attributes (see example code
> below pulled from documentation).
>   from sqlalchemy import event
>  @event.listens_for(SomeClass.some_attribute, 'set')
> def receive_set(target, value, oldvalue, initiator):
>     # ... (event handling logic) ...
>  Hence, I was wondering if any of you would have a clever and
> straightforward way of achieving type validation on all classes (at least
> for integers for now). Thanks!
>  *Extra Information*
> Python 2.7.8
> SQLAlchemy 0.9.8
> So first off, in Python we do have the option of overriding a builtin
> method called __setattr__(), which if you really wanted to intercept most
> attribute set events, you could just do that.  This is heavy-handed though
> because it is called for all attribute sets everywhere and it would spend a
> lot of time filtering out attributes it doesn't care about.
> Secondly, @validates and AttributeEvents are two versions of the same
> thing - @validates is a shortcut for AttributeEvents, and the
> AttributeEvents listener is set up on a per-attribute basis.  So there's
> not too much difference except how these are configured, and using the
> AttributeEvents is better for programmatic attachment.   You can also set
> up such a listener for all mapped attributes everywhere, but again this is
> too broad and such a listener again wastes lots of time filtering on which
> events it cares about.
> With that information out of the way, the general strategy to listen to
> events on things that are mapped such that the things which we're listening
> to is also dynamic / programmatic is to apply event listeners to the
> attributes we care about.  There's more events that we make use of in order
> to set up event listeners at the moment that these various attributes and
> other things are mapped.  There are a lot of ways to catch such events, but
> the most easy one that was added mostly for this purpose is known as the
> "attribute_instrument" event, which is called whenever a new class
> attribute becomes part of a SQLAlchemy mapping.  This is a good place where
> you can check how this attribute is mapped and make decisions about what
> kind of validation it should have.     Two examples are provided, one which
> illustrates how to apply a listener to all the events associated with a
> base class, that is at
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_0/_modules/examples/custom_attributes/listen_for_events.html,
> and there's also a recipe which I think is nicer that sets up validators
> based on the column types, such as your Integer here, that is at
> https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/wiki/UsageRecipes/ValidateOnType.
>  Best regards,
> Bruno
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