Whilst upgrading from sqlalchemy 0.8 to 1.0.4 my ORM has broken with the 
error Can't redefine 'quote' or 'quote_schema' arguments

I connect to a sybase db, and use a declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

Using a standard method to create the mapping below

class RiskAggregationGroup(Base): 
    __tablename__ = 'RISK_AGGREGATION_GROUP' 
    __table_args__ = {'quote':False,'extend_existing':True} 
    id = Column(Integer, name='id_risk_agg', primary_key=True) 
    name = Column(String(50), name='nm_risk_agg') 
    description = Column(String(100), name='tx_desc')

This worked fine in sqlalchemy 0.8 but breaks in 1.0.4 as it doesn't like 
me specifying quote as a table arg. I've tried a whole host of things to 
get around this, setting it in the base, e.g. 

class Base(object): 
    __table_args__ = {'quote':False,'extend_existing':True} 

Base = declarative_base(cls=Base)

throws the same error. If I change it to use the @declared_attr the quoting 
is not turned off. I'm unable to change the sybase settings and my table 
names are all caps (which is the cause of the quoting). I've got about 20 
tables defined here, so am loathe to change them all to Table creations, 
such as:

class RiskAggregationGroup(Base): 
    __tablename__ = 'RISK_AGGREGATION_GROUP'
    __table__ = Table(__tablename__, Base.metadata, 
    Column(Integer, name='id_risk_agg', primary_key=True, key='id'), 
    Column(String(50), name='nm_risk_agg', key='name'), quote=False)

Does anyone have a more elegant solution, so far google has failed me?

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