On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 8:27 PM, Kevin Qiu <explodeandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I try to define composite index on last_name, first_name on
> flask-sqlalchemy, the error says NameError: name 'Index' is not defined
> Code:
> class Student(mydb.Model):
> __tablename__ = 'STUDENT'
> __table_args__ = (Index('SearchNameIndices', "last_name", "first_name"), )
> study_no = mydb.Column(mydb.String(20), primary_key = True)
> first_name = mydb.Column(mydb.String(64))
> last_name = mydb.Column(mydb.String(64))

In Python, apart from a small-ish set of builtin names, everything
else either has to be defined in your module, or imported from
somewhere else. In this case, you could put something like this at the
top of your module:

from sqlalchemy import Index

If you are going to be using lots of objects from the sqlalchemy
namespace, it might be better to write:

import sqlalchemy as sa

...and then use "sa.Index" and so on.

Hope that helps,


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