On 6/24/15 10:25 AM, Rick Otten wrote:
I've been using the "literalquery" function as described in the top answer on this Stackoverflow page for the past year or so: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5631078/sqlalchemy-print-the-actual-query

I found it very easy to add extra types to it. It has been really handy. I use it in practically every SQLAlchemy development project that ends up involving complicated queries. The more complicated the query, the more likely I am to really need this capability.

It helps to troubleshoot the query and to run explain plans in the database for optimizing the query as well.

Lastly, I use it to provide an audit trail for what queries were run, and when.


Recently I started getting this error:

AttributeError: 'Query' object has no attribute '_mapper_zero_or_none'

I'm thinking something changed in one of the 1.0.x releases that removed or broke the _mapper_zero_or_none function. Is that true? (or did I break something else in my script that tis error is hiding?) I have not found anything that even describes what this function does in the online documentation or by Google or DuckDuckGo searching. I'll search the source next, I suppose, but thought I'd ask and get the question out there in case anyone else bumps into the same issue.

that method was a private method and was never safe to use. The public equivalent is the column_descriptions function: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_0/orm/query.html?highlight=column_descriptions#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.column_descriptions

@zzzeek states that this particular function is unnecessary in the comments on the stackoverflow discussion, but doesn't really explain why or how to remove it:

"""this solution in no way accurately represents what's involved to stringify a statement. the reaching intio _mapper_Zero_or_none and attempts to locate "bound" metadata are all completely unnecessary. The overriding of Compiler is also a hack that overlooks documented APIs. I'll provide an answer shortly. – zzzeek <http://stackoverflow.com/users/34549/zzzeek>May 23 '14 at 17:42 <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5631078/sqlalchemy-print-the-actual-query#comment36675387_5698357>"""

yes, and my answer is directly below my comment:


as well as in the SQLAlchemy documentation also linked from my answer:


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