Hi All -

I'm currently trying to use sql.union() to construct a union of 
sql.select() instances.  My problem is that one of the columns in one of 
the selects is an expression that takes a bind parameter, which is causing 
an error.

I initially tried to code things as follows ...

from sqlalchemy.sql import *

s1 = select([text("(:value || c3) as c1").bindparams(value='foo'),
             column("c2")], from_obj=table("t1"))
s2 = select([column("c1"), column("c2")], from_obj=table("t2"))

u1 = union(s1, s2)

... however, union() throws* 'Argument Error: All selectables passed to 
CompoundSelect must have identical numbers of columns'.*

Tracking this down, the problem seems to be that the first column of s1 is 
a text() object, which doesn't get counted as a column when union() tries 
to compare the column counts of the two select() clauses.

I've tried using literal_column(), but it doesn't support passing in a 
text() element as it's value, nor does it have a bindparams() method. 

I've run out of ideas for how to provide something "column-like" for 
union(), while at the same time safely use bindparams() to pass in a 

I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if there's another construction I should 
be using.

- Eli Collins

(P.S. I'm using SQLAlchemy 1.0.6; Python 2.7)

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