When running flake8 on the schema file the error, 'E901 TokenError: EOF in
multi-line statement' is reported for the line following the last line of
code at the end of the file. Web searches show that error means a missing
quote (' or "), ')', ']', or '}'. There are no missing closures in the last
two classes:

class ChangedData(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'changedData'

    change_id = Column(Integer, Sequence('change_seq'), primary_key = True)
    which_table = Column(Unicode(32), nullable = False, unique = True)
    which_attrib = Column(Uicode(32), nullable = False, unique = True)
    when_changed = Column(Timestamp, nullable = False, unique = True)
    curr_value = = Column(Unicode(32), nullable = False)
    new_value =  Column(Unicode(32), nullable = False)
    changed_by = = Column(Unicode(32), nullable = False)
    reason = Column(Text)
    __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint(which_table, which_attrib,

class ReportCopies(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'reportCopies'

    rpt_nbr = Column(Integer, Sequence('rpt_seq'), primary_key = True)
    tbl_name = Column(Unicode(16), nullable = False)
    rpt_date = Column(Date, nullable = False)
    rpt_desc = Column(Text, nullable = False)
    rpt_filename = Column(BLOB, nullable = False)

  What might be causing this error that I'm not seeing?


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