I have 2 related classes

    • ProvisionedAccess (auth policy)
    • Credentials (public/private key)

ProvisionedAccess has 2 relationships:

    • keyset_active -- the active keyset, identified by having an is_active 
    • keys_all -- all historical keys

I've implemented them as below.

the problem is when generating a new keyset.  i do the following (in order)

* deactivate existing Credentials (is_active=False)
* flush
* generate new Credentials
* flush

everything is fine, until i try to stash the relationship for some 
* access.keyset_active = new_Credentials
* flush

this flush removes the `provisioned_access_id` from the old Credentials, 
which causes an error.

I'm not sure the best way to proceed.  I need to figure out a way in which:

a- i don't generate SQL when updating that relationship. i only use it as a 
utility for selects and passing around objects.
b- i let the ORM do everything

any suggestions on either approach would be appreciated.  i know nothing 
about cascading relationships in the ORM.


keyset_active = sa.orm.relationship("Credentials", 

keys_all = sa.orm.relationship("Credentials", 

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