
Please take a look at official examples:


The first two examples use your classes (User and Address). Note the use of
backref kw arg in the relationship definition (first example) and back_populates
kw arg in the second example. I personally prefer back_populates because each
ORM definition is then complete on its own (i.e. both User and Address will each
define the appropriate relationship connected to the other with back_populates 


Ladislav Lenart

On 11.8.2015 09:59, Sean Lin wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a question about how to automatic set the foreignkey column ?
> we have two class User and Address 
> |
> classUser(Base):
>     __tablename__ ='user'
>     id =Column(Integer,primary_key=True)
>     name =Column(String)
>     addresses =relationship("Address")
>     def__init__(self,id,name):
>         self.id =id
>         self.name =name
> classAddress(Base):
>     __tablename__ ='address'
>     id =Column(Integer,primary_key=True)
>     user_id =Column(Integer,ForeignKey('user.id'))
>     def__init__(self,id,user_id):
>         self.id =id
>         self.user_id =user_id
> |
> if we create a user then add a address 
> |
> User1=User(1,"Tom")
> Address1=Address('1',None)
> User1.addresses(Address1)
> printUser1.Address[0].user_id
> |
> after that we will get a None result ... 
> How to automatic assign user_id when we add address to a user?

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