On 8/15/15 8:07 PM, dbbbit wrote:
we have to execute our sql in limited form in our company,
like `sqlstore.execute('select id from foos where is_foo = %s and create_time>%', (1, datetime.now())`,

which sqlstore.execute is defined like:

the `sql` param is string type, `args` is a tuple of values
I want to use sqlalchemy core to construct the `sql` and `args`,
is that a way to translate all sqlalchemy's insert(), select() ... to the given form?

you want to use compile() to produce a Compiled object which then gives you a string.

This is introduced in the FAQ at http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_0/faq/sqlexpressions.html#how-do-i-render-sql-expressions-as-strings-possibly-with-bound-parameters-inlined.

You'll want to use a dialect that has paramstyle='format' since you want %s with positional. Supposing the MySQL dialect:

from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql

dialect = mysql.dialect()

stmt = select([table]).where(table.c.bar == 5)

compiled = stmt.compile(dialect=dialect)

sql_string = str(compiled)    # or unicode(compiled)

params = compiled.params   # this is a dictionary
positional_params = [params[key] for key in compiled.positiontup] # this is positional

... or if you have the params separate, like a list for executemany

my_params = [{dict1...}, {dict2..}, ...]

positional_params = [
    dict((key, paramdict[key]) for key in compiled.positiontup)
    for paramdict in my_params

now above, what you are *losing* is that SQLAlchemy's datatypes can also process the values given, which some datatypes need for some DBAPIs. If you need to get at that then you need to look in compiled.binds, which is a dictionary of name->BindParam, and in each BindParam is a type object, e.g. TypeEngine, and for each of those datatypes you need to get at their processor using type.bind_processor() and then apply it:

for key in my_param_dict:
    bind = compiled.binds[key]
    type = bind.type
    processor = type.bind_processor(dialect)
    if processor is not None:
        my_param_dict[key] = processor(my_param_dict[key])

again that's only if you need types to take effect for binds.

Then you have the same issue on the result side. I'm not sure what "def execute()" returns. If it returns a DBAPI cursor, that can be theoretically sent right to a ResultProxy with your Compiled object and you can get typing behavior on the result side as well, but it would need some state built up for it in the form of an ExecutionContext object.

It would also be possible, with a good amount of creativity, to build your custom "def execute()" right into a fake DBAPI or Dialect object and have the whole thing transparently operating underneath an ordinary SQLAlchemy Engine. Whether you stick with the FAQ recipe or get all the way into this is all about how ambitious you want to be (though obviously, the best approach of all is just to convince your company that an artificial "execute()" method is not really worth the inconvenience of disallowing better tooling).

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