Hi Team,
               We are executing select query using

Then we are storing the about query result in result variable.
Then we are trying to update one of model attribute like
Even though we have not added that object in session to update the DB and
there is no commit but sqlalchemy emitting update query on DB.
On 18-Aug-2015 8:46 PM, "Mike Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:

> On 8/18/15 6:31 AM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
> Hi Mike,
>               I am attaching the Code and Model Info in which I am facing
> issue.
> Please let me know if you need more info from my side
> well this is still not the level of test script that I can do anything
> with, it's only a fragment of the actual program, so at least if you can
> turn on echo=True it will show the SQL statement and the parameters being
> emitted, that will at least illustrate what column or element of the SQL
> string itself has non-ascii characters in it that match the exception.
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>
> wrote:
>> On 8/17/15 10:12 AM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>>               Sorry for repetitive same questions.
>> After adding TypeDecorator I am getting Unicode Object as expected.
>> Lets say I have one model:
>> Products=Table("products",metadata,
>>                           Column("product_id",Numeric,primary_key=True),
>>                           Column("product_name",Unicode(),nullable=False))
>> I have one for Table in which above specified model product_id act as
>> foreign key.
>> prod_survey = Table('prod_survey', metadata,
>>                 Column(
>>                         u'survey_prod_id',
>>                         NUMERIC(
>>                             precision=18,
>>                             scale=0,
>>                             asdecimal=False),
>>                         primary_key=True,
>>                         nullable=False),
>>                     Column(
>>                         u'survey_id',
>>                         NUMERIC(
>>                             precision=9,
>>                             scale=0,
>>                             asdecimal=False),
>>                         primary_key=False),
>>                Column(                         u'prod_id',
>> NUMERIC(                             precision=9,
>> scale=0,                             asdecimal=False),
>> primary_key=False,
>>                         nullable=False),
>> ForeignKeyConstraint(                         ['prod_id'],
>> ['md.dlr_cstm_prod.prod_id'],
>>                         name=u'FK503_PROD_SURVEY'),
>> Now When I am assigning Products from Product table to survey table I am
>> getting ascii encoding can not encode character.
>> It means python is getting Unicode object but trying to encode before
>> sending to DB param.
>> Please suggest
>> these are Numeric columns so unicode encoding should not be involved.
>> It would be helpful if you could produce isolated demonstrations of these
>> issues, using the format given by the test scripts provided.  Without
>> seeing code that actually causes the problem as well as stack traces, those
>> of us reading this thread can only guess as to the various issues occurring
>> within your environment.
>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 8/12/15 11:19 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:
>>> On 8/12/15 11:07 AM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>> I am using session.query(Model).filter(conditions) but still getting
>>> UnicodeErrors
>>> unfortunately this all goes back to the test script I shared with you;
>>> that script works.  What's different in your application that distinguishes
>>> the system of querying from that of the test script?
>>> I see we're talking about Unicode now, not CLOB.   Attached is a test
>>> script illustrating unicode conversion for all three of CLOB, VARCHAR2,
>>> NVARCHAR2.  Work with this script to find where your program isn't
>>> configured the same.
>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine, CLOB, Table, MetaData, \
>>>     Column, TypeDecorator, Integer, Sequence, Unicode
>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, mapper
>>> class ForceUnicodeClob(TypeDecorator):
>>>     impl = CLOB
>>>     def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
>>>         if isinstance(value, str):
>>>             value = value.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
>>>         return value
>>>     def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
>>>         if value is not None:
>>>             value = value.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
>>>         return value
>>> e = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://scott:tiger@xe", echo='debug')
>>> try:
>>>     e.execute("drop table test_unicode")
>>> except:
>>>     pass
>>> e.execute("""
>>> create table test_unicode(
>>>     id integer primary key,
>>>     clob_data CLOB,
>>>     varchar_data VARCHAR2(50),
>>>     nvarchar_data NVARCHAR2(50)
>>> )
>>> """)
>>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>>> Base = declarative_base()
>>> class Model(Base):
>>>     __table__ = Table(
>>>         "test_unicode", Base.metadata,
>>>         Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>>>         Column('clob_data', ForceUnicodeClob()),
>>>         Column('varchar_data', Unicode()),
>>>         Column('nvarchar_data', Unicode()),
>>>     )
>>> s = Session(e)
>>> m1 = Model(id=1, clob_data='data', varchar_data='data',
>>> nvarchar_data='data')
>>> s.add(m1)
>>> s.commit()
>>> m1 = s.query(Model).first()
>>> print repr(m1.clob_data)
>>> print repr(m1.varchar_data)
>>> print repr(m1.nvarchar_data)
>>> assert isinstance(m1.clob_data, unicode)
>>> assert isinstance(m1.varchar_data, unicode)
>>> assert isinstance(m1.nvarchar_data, unicode)
>>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 8/12/15 9:55 AM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>                We are not calling all or first method on got query
>>>> object. We are just passing query object to set method of python and we are
>>>> getting Unicode Error "ASCII CODEC Can not decode" this means I am not
>>>> getting Unicode Object from SQLAlchemy side.
>>>> Column('dlrprod_name_pri', Unicode(length=100), primary_key=False),
>>>> Do I need to call all or first method on query object to get Unicode
>>>> object rather than str object.
>>>> the unicode conversion requires that you are explicitly referring to
>>>> your model, or the Table or Column metadata, or are using Text given a
>>>> datatype.  a plain SQL string will NOT decode unless you add additional
>>>> typing information up front
>>>> query.from_statement("select * from table")    #  <-- will NOT decode
>>>> query.from_statement(text("select * from table"))    #  <-- will NOT
>>>> decode
>>>> query.from_statement(text("select * from
>>>> table").columns(dlrprod_name_pri=Unicode)    #  <-- WILL decode
>>>> query(MyModel)   # <-- WILL decode
>>>> query(MyModel.dlrprod_name_pri, ...)  # <-- WILL decode
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Abhishek Sharma
>>>> On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 8/11/15 1:58 PM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>>                 With asynchronous request my model object Unicode type
>>>>> column not returning Unicode object but if I do same action using
>>>>> synchronous I am getting Unicode object
>>>>> SQLAlchemy has no asynchrnous API itself so this has to do with the
>>>>> asynchronous framework you're using and how you are integrating it with
>>>>> SQLAlchemy.
>>>>> On 05-Aug-2015 11:43 PM, "Abhishek Sharma" <abhisharma8...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> thanks for your help.
>>>>>> its seems to be working. i will troubleshoot in my development
>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 10:37 PM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Attached is a test script illustrating the code you have below along
>>>>>>> with a round trip verification using a simple Model class mapped to the
>>>>>>> table.  Please confirm this script works as expected, as it does here.
>>>>>>> Assuming that works, determine what's different about your real-world
>>>>>>> environment versus this test case.
>>>>>>> On 8/5/15 11:45 AM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>> that object already got saved in DB after session.commit(). After
>>>>>>> that i am retrieving object which already stored in db. still same 
>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 8/5/15 9:24 AM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>>>>> I have created customized data type using TypeDecorator approach.
>>>>>>>> *from sqlalchemy import TypeDecorator, CLOB*
>>>>>>>> *class ForceUnicodeClob(TypeDecorator):      impl = CLOB*
>>>>>>>> *     def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):          if
>>>>>>>> isinstance(value, str):             value = value.decode('utf-8', 
>>>>>>>> 'ignore')
>>>>>>>>          return value*
>>>>>>>> *     def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):          if
>>>>>>>> value is not None:              value = "PREFIX" + 
>>>>>>>> value.decode('utf-8',
>>>>>>>> 'ignore')          return value*
>>>>>>>> After this in my table definition I declared the type of one of
>>>>>>>> column as *ForceUnicodeClob.*
>>>>>>>> *dlr_dclmr = Table('dlr_dclmr', metadata, Column('dclmr_ds',
>>>>>>>> ForceUnicodeClob(), primary_key=False))*
>>>>>>>> After this I am executing the query on this table with
>>>>>>>> session.query(Model) , but when I am accessing result.*dclmr_ds *i
>>>>>>>> am not getting response prepended with "PREFIX".
>>>>>>>> this can happen in the ORM if you retrieve a Model object that is
>>>>>>>> already present in the Session, which you created as a pending object:
>>>>>>>> model = Model(dclmr_ds='somestring')
>>>>>>>> session.add(model)
>>>>>>>> session.flush()
>>>>>>>> m2 = session.query(Model).filter(...).first()
>>>>>>>> assert model is m2
>>>>>>>> that is, you get the same object back.  The values of the
>>>>>>>> attributes are not updated unless you first expire that object, which
>>>>>>>> normally happens when you say session.commit().
>>>>>>>> am i missing some  steps?
>>>>>>>> SQLAlchemy Version: 0.9.9
>>>>>>>> We are using classic mapping for attributes mapping with DB columns.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Mike Bayer <
>>>>>>>> mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/15 1:41 PM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>>>> is this followings two instructions compulsory  while defining new
>>>>>>>>> type?
>>>>>>>>> m.drop_all(e)
>>>>>>>>> m.create_all(e)
>>>>>>>>> no that is just part of the demonstration script.
>>>>>>>>> this instructions are not feasible , because DB team already
>>>>>>>>> defined schema and normal user can not drop and create table.
>>>>>>>>> yup, that is a given
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 8:59 PM, Mike Bayer <
>>>>>>>>> mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/15 7:41 AM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> in case lot of overhead will be there so it is better to use that
>>>>>>>>>> column label only
>>>>>>>>>> well it doesn't work anyway because data from a CLOB is not in
>>>>>>>>>> cx_oracle's world a "String", it's a LOB.   The CLOB / NCLOB types 
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> cx_oracle are organized in their own way where only NCLOB actually 
>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>> unicode handling capability, regardless of the coerce_to_unicode or
>>>>>>>>>> convert_unicode flags; CLOB does not.   So either use NCLOB, or 
>>>>>>>>>> build out
>>>>>>>>>> your own convert unicode, here is a demo:
>>>>>>>>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine, CLOB, Table, MetaData,
>>>>>>>>>> Column, select, TypeDecorator
>>>>>>>>>> from sqlalchemy.dialects.oracle import NCLOB
>>>>>>>>>> e = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://scott:tiger@xe",
>>>>>>>>>> echo='debug')
>>>>>>>>>> class ForceUnicodeClob(TypeDecorator):
>>>>>>>>>>     impl = CLOB
>>>>>>>>>>     def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
>>>>>>>>>>         if value is not None:
>>>>>>>>>>             value = value.decode('utf-8')
>>>>>>>>>>         return value
>>>>>>>>>> m = MetaData()
>>>>>>>>>> t = Table('test', m, Column('data1', NCLOB()), Column('data2',
>>>>>>>>>> ForceUnicodeClob()))
>>>>>>>>>> m.drop_all(e)
>>>>>>>>>> m.create_all(e)
>>>>>>>>>> e.execute(t.insert(), data1=u'unicode', data2=u'unicode')
>>>>>>>>>> result = e.execute(select([t.c.data1, t.c.data2]))
>>>>>>>>>> value1, value2 = result.fetchone()
>>>>>>>>>> print repr(value1), repr(value2)
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 6:15 AM, Mike Bayer <
>>>>>>>>>> mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/4/15 5:47 AM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> applying convert_unicode to CLOB type does not have any effect.
>>>>>>>>>>> Still I am getting str type object from sqlalchemy for CLOB type 
>>>>>>>>>>> column
>>>>>>>>>>> have you tried the coerce_to_unicode flag on create_engine() ?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Mike Bayer <
>>>>>>>>>>> mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/3/15 1:04 PM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> what about CLOB type?  Unicode only handles String type. Do i
>>>>>>>>>>>> need to use convert_unicode there?
>>>>>>>>>>>> if your CLOB expects non-ascii characters then yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>> though on Oracle I thought you really need to be using NCLOB
>>>>>>>>>>>> for a col that stores unicode.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 6:56 PM, Mike Bayer <
>>>>>>>>>>>> mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/1/15 12:12 PM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for help. But still i have confusion over encoding and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> decoding procedure which will take place before retrieving and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> storing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> results in DB.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In case if i am not using convert_unicode option and data type
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is String so python process will give str object to sqlalchemy at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the time
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of insert record in DB using ORM. So will alchemy store that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> object in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoded form?. So at the time of retrieving ORM will give str 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> object for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> String type column to python and python decode that object with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoding?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can i simply use Unicode Data type for columns where there
>>>>>>>>>>>>> might be chance of using non ascii data?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you know that your unicode data is on specific columns then
>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes, the Unicode type plugs in an encoder/decoder for those 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> backends that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> require it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 2:55 AM, Mike Bayer <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/29/15 2:23 PM, Abhishek Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We are using sqlalchemy version 0.7, python 2.7 and oracle
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Database.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have ASCII as default python encoding and DB have ISO-8052
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoding. Our DB tables contains some of characters which are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out of ASCII
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> range. So when we are running query on those tables we are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting Unicode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decode error saying "ASCII" codec can not decode. This error we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without accessing model attributes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How i can handle these errors without changing python default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoding.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oracle's client encoding is controlled by the NLS_LANG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> environment variable.    That has to be set correctly first off 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/products/globalization/nls-lang-099431.html).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you have non-ASCII strings encoded in datatypes that are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of type NVARCHAR or NCLOB , or you're relying on a lot of raw 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SQL, and you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are still getting errors, I would set the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "coerce_to_unicode=True" flag on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create_engine(), which allows cx_Oracle's unicode facilities to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take place
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fully for all string data being returned, at the expense of some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> performance.  See
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_1_0/dialects/oracle.html#unicode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for background.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it, send an email to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <sqlalchemy+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...

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