Forgot the actual question; is there a better less complicated solution? 
With hybrid_property expression I get into the problem that it doesn't load 
up front: session.query(Variable_Value)

Mattias L 

On Friday, September 18, 2015 at 12:25:41 PM UTC+2, Mattias Lagergren wrote:
> Hi again Michael,
> I'm still working with this problem but have changed it so that I'm no 
> longer trying to CAST in the database, since you made me aware about the 
> limitations of mixed types in traditional RDBMS.
> What I want is a column, casted_value, on the model that gives me the 
> CASTed (decoded) value column and when writing to it it should encode and 
> update value column. Unfortunately I don't have the type on the same table 
> (variable_value) but in another table, variable_register.
> I've been looking at both @property and @hybrid_property + expression but 
> I've ran into two problems:
> 1. Is that I need the value to be loaded upfront with a 
> session.query(model) 
> 2. I want to avoid doing extra queries when casting in the casted_value. 
> My property would have to use a relation (register) to figure out the type:
>     @property
>     def dynamic_value(self):
>         if self.register.type == 'date':
>             return date_from_string(self.
> strvalue)
>         elif self.register.type == 'number':
>             return Decimal(self.strvalue)
>         # ... etc.
> I've resorted to a solution that feels overly complicated but works. The 
> solution is a column_property with a custom select that embeds the type in 
> the select. Due to how our API works all read, write and filter must be 
> pointed to the same column so to make this work I have a Comparator to 
> allow filtering on the value column, an AttributeExtension to encode and 
> update the value column when casted_value is set and a TypeDecorator to 
> decode (CAST) the query result to the appropriate type:
> class Comparator(
>     '''Comparator class to compare on value instead of casted_value.'''
>     def __init__(self, column, mapper):  
>         self.column = column
>         self.mapper = mapper
>         super(Comparator, self).__init__(column, mapper)
>     def __lt__(self, other):
>         return self.mapper.c.value < other
>     def __gt__(self, other):
>         return self.mapper.c.value > other
>     def __eq__(self, other):
>         return self.mapper.c.value == other
>     def __nq__(self, other):
>         return self.mapper.c.value != other
> class UpdateCustomAttributeValue(sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.
> AttributeExtension):
>     def set(self, state, value, oldvalue, initiator):
>         '''Set value on custom attribute instead of casted_value.'''
>         obj = state.obj()
>         obj.value = encode(value)
>         return value
> class DynamicTypeDecorator(types.TypeDecorator):
>     '''Type decorator class for converting links.'''
>     impl = types.Unicode
>     def process_result_value(self, raw_value, dialect):
>         '''Process query result and cast to appropriate type.'''
>         try:
>             value, custom_attribute_type = raw_value.split(separator)
>         except:
>             return None
>         return decode(value, custom_attribute_type)
> class Variable_Value(Base):
>     '''Represent a custom attribute value.'''
>     __tablename__ = 'variable_value'
>     __table_args__ = table_args
>     registerid = Column(
>         types.CHAR(36), ForeignKey('variable_register.registerid'),
>         default=None, primary_key=True
>     )
>     register = relation('Variable_Register', backref=backref('values'))
>     value = Column(types.UnicodeText)
>     entityid = Column(types.CHAR(36), primary_key=True)
>     @classmethod
>     def __declare_last__(cls):
>         from .custom_attribute import Variable_Register
>         variable_register = Variable_Register.__table__.alias()
>         variable_value = cls.__table__.alias()
>         # Join to register to figure out the type.
>         from_obj = variable_value.join(
>             variable_register,
>             variable_register.c.registerid == variable_value.c.registerid
>         )
>         dynamic_cast = sqlalchemy.type_coerce(
>             variable_value.c.value + separator + variable_register.c.type,
>             DynamicTypeDecorator
>         )
>         cls.casted_value = column_property(
>                 [dynamic_cast],
>                 from_obj=fromObj
>             ).where(
>                 sqlalchemy.and_(
>                     variable_value.c.entityid == cls.entityid,
>                     variable_value.c.registerid == cls.registerid
>                 )
>             ).as_scalar(),
>             comparator_factory=Comparator,
>             extension=[UpdateCustomAttributeValue()]
>         )
> With this I can read:
> for variable in session.query(model.Variable_Value):
>     # Correct type and no extra queries are issued even though the type 
> is stored on a relation.
>     print variable.casted_value
> I can also write:
> # Run this and do my own encoding
> variable.casted_value = True # 100.1,, etc.
> I can query on it with MySQL implicit casting to number, boolean or other 
> values:
> print 
> session.query(model.Variable_Value).filter(model.Variable_Value.casted_value 
> > 5).all()
> On Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 5:00:02 PM UTC+2, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On 9/16/15 6:46 AM, Mattias Lagergren wrote:
> The important part is the casting inside of the case expression:
>         dynamic_cast =
>             [
>                 (
>                     variable_register.c.type == 'number',
>                     sqlalchemy.cast(variable_value.c.value, types.Numeric)
>                 ),
>                 (
>                     variable_register.c.type == 'date',
>                     sqlalchemy.cast(variable_value
> ...

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