This is, admittedly, an abuse of SqlAlchemy.  I'm wondering if anyone else 
has dealt with this situation before and how they handled it.

We have a handful of situations where SqlAlchemy generates a raw sql update 
against a table.  Something like

     _table = model.Foo.__table__
     session.execute(_table.update().where( == 
foo_id).values(_table.c.count_a = (_table.c.count_a + 1)))

This is done because we may or may-not have the instance of Foo(foo_id) 
loaded, and it doesn't make sense to load if not already present.

What I'm wondering is this: 

has anyone in a similar situation looked at using events or other hooks to 
inspect the current session cache and update the objects if they have been 
loaded?  [as well as marking the attribute as clean -- since it already 
will have updated on the database]  

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