> On 13 Oct 2015, at 17:09, Cecilio Ruiz <cecili...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Everything works fine, add, modify, etc. But when I ask Caja.Imp. He says he 
> does not exist.
> # Table definition - Caja
> # 
> Caja_table = sa.Table("Caja", metadata,
>     sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, nullable=True, autoincrement=True, 
> primary_key=True),
>     sa.Column('Entidad', sa.String, nullable=True),
>     sa.Column('Fecha', sa.Date, nullable=True),
>     sa.Column('Entrada', sa.Float, default=0, nullable=True),
>     sa.Column('Salida', sa.Float, default=0, nullable=True))
> class Caja(object):
>     def __init__(self, Entidad, Fecha, Entrada, Salida):        
>         self.Entidad = Entidad
>         self.Fecha = Fecha
>         self.Entrada = Entrada
>         self.Salida = Salida
>     @hybrid_property
>     def imp(self):
>         return float(self.Entrada - self.Salida)
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "<Caja('%s', Cond. %s Ent:%s Fch:%s Grup:%s', Ent: %i' Sal: %i 
> Imp:%.2f)>" % (self.id, self.id_Conceptos, self.Entidad, self.Fecha, 
> self.Grupo, self.Entrada, self.Salida, self.imp)

Can you share the full traceback? Caja.Imp doesn’t exist, but Caja.imp (note 
lower case “i”) should, so assuming that was a typo in your email, there must 
be some other problem.


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