Hi there,

Using SQLAlchemy 1.0.9

I am dealing with some legacy code and came across the following issue. It 
appears that in a polymorphic relationship SQLAlchemy is not able to 
correctly determine what to load for a relationship when using a subselect 
(due to limit on query) and child class has a different field name for the 
primary key.

Here is a reproducible test case to show the issue better:

from uuid import uuid1 as uuid

import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.orm
from sqlalchemy import (
    Column, Unicode, ForeignKey, CHAR, Boolean, UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref, synonym
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr

Base = declarative_base()

class Context(Base):
    '''Represent a context.'''

    __tablename__ = 'context'

    context_type = Column(Unicode(32), nullable=False)

    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_on': context_type,
        'polymorphic_identity': 'context'

    id = Column(CHAR(36), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid()))

class Task(Context):
    '''Represent a task.'''

    __tablename__ = 'task'

    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': 'task'

    # Change this and references to it to 'id' to fix issue.
    task_id = Column(

    scopes = relationship('Scope', secondary='task_scope')

class Scope(Base):
    '''Represent a Scope.'''

    __tablename__ = 'scope'

    id = Column(CHAR(36), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid()))

class TaskScope(Base):
    '''Represent a relation between a scope and a task.'''

    __tablename__ = 'task_scope'

    id = Column(CHAR(36), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid()))

    scope_id = Column(CHAR(36), ForeignKey(Scope.id), nullable=False)

    task_id = Column(CHAR(36), ForeignKey(Task.task_id), nullable=False)

def main():
    '''Execute test.'''
    engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite://')
    Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)

    session = Session()

    task = Task()
    scope = Scope()


    link = TaskScope(scope_id=scope.id, task_id=task.task_id)

    query = session.query(Task).options(
    print query

    results = query.all()
    print results

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running the above gives:

sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such column: 
task.task_id [SQL: u'SELECT anon_1.context_context_type AS 
anon_1_context_context_type, anon_1.context_id AS anon_1_context_id, 
anon_2.scope_1_id AS scope_1_id \nFROM (SELECT context.context_type AS 
context_context_type, context.id AS context_id \nFROM context JOIN task ON 
context.id = task.task_id\n LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN 
(SELECT task_scope_1.id AS task_scope_1_id, task_scope_1.scope_id AS 
task_scope_1_scope_id, task_scope_1.task_id AS task_scope_1_task_id, 
scope_1.id AS scope_1_id \nFROM task_scope AS task_scope_1 JOIN scope AS 
scope_1 ON scope_1.id = task_scope_1.scope_id) AS anon_2 ON task.task_id = 
anon_2.task_scope_1_task_id'] [parameters: (10, 0)]

If you change 'task_id' to 'id' (and references to it) then the query will 
now work correctly.

As I mentioned this is legacy code so there are many references to task_id 
throughout the code base unfortunately. I have found a workaround by using 
a synonym, but wanted to report the issue to see if the failure is expected 
and there is a requirement for the primary key field names to match or not.



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